Obama's proposed regs would cost billions annually - Washington Times
The man cannot be that much out of touch. He must be seeking to destroy the economy with proposals like this. We've got to rid ourselves of this president in 2012. Come on GOP!!
Comments on various topics not limited to politics, education, economics or sports. The photo is Mt. McKinley - Denali
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
George Will
Unions are not about labor rights. Rather, they are about politics. Maybe Wisconsin teachers are learning this.
"Libs Waterloo" George Will
"Libs Waterloo" George Will
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Reposting of Rush Limbaugh's Once Upon a Time in America
Below is a list of things that Rush Limbaugh describes as having been successful in the past, that no longer are becasue of government interference. I'm sure amny of you could add to this list. Enjoy.
I remember back some years, when I was a lot younger, parents being able to raise their own children without government interference, and you know, it worked. Now, the government interferes in almost every aspect of it, and it doesn’t work anymore.
I remember back some years, when I was a lot younger, we could go to school and we were taught things that really mattered. We were taught self reliance by our parents. Math, reading and science by our teachers, and healthy lifestyles by both our parents and our P.E. teachers. It worked. Now, with the government in almost every bit of that, it doesn’t work anymore.
I remember back some years, when I was a lot younger, heck even just a few years ago, I could light my house, with any light bulb or neon tube that I wanted too. The government stayed out of my business at home, and it worked. My energy bills were low, and life was good. Then the government got into it, and, guess what? It doesn’t work anymore.
I remember back when I was younger, you could put up, or not put up any Christmas decorations that you wanted, and no one said a word. And it worked. The holidays were happy and fun for everyone. Then the government got into it, and it doesn’t work anymore. Same thing for religion.
I remember back when I was younger, us kids didn’t learn about sex in the schools. Parents, teachers and principles took care of the school bullies, and us kids learned the right way to read and write, without all the slang or new words that were spelled unlike real words, but didn’t really exist in anything but slang.
We could read our diplomas and books, without any misspelled words to contend with, and teachers weren’t interested in indoctrinating us against the will of our parents, but instead they taught us. And it worked. Now, with the government involved, it doesn’t work anymore.
I remember back when I was younger, when businesses started up, with little government interference, they grew and prospered. Now the government is in almost every aspect of a business, and guess what? It doesn’t work anymore.
I remember back when I was younger, banks and mortgage companies prospered and sold homes to people and it worked. Then, Barney Frank and the government got involved making the banks and mortgage companies give home loans to people even if they couldn’t afford it to make things fair, and Housing fell through the roof. Before government intervention, it worked. After? It doesn’t work anymore.
I remember back when I was younger, businesses were run by the owners. If they went under because of bad financial practices, they went under. C’lie Vie. Someone else would start a new business to fill the niche. It worked. Then the government got involved and started bailing out companies that were going under because of bad business practices, and guess what? It doesn’t work anymore.
I also remember back when I was younger, if you got really badly sick to where you would die if you didn’t get medical help, the government stayed out of it, and you got better. It worked. Now, with the government getting involved in “death panels” and decisions to tell you if you were worth the operation to save you or not, and guess what? It doesn’t work anymore.
This even goes for the military. We used to fight wars when we had too, to win. Now we fight them to lose. The governmental regulations and liberal ideals involved, and it doesn’t work anymore.
I could go on and on about this. and this post would become so long, it would be a book. And I wouldn’t have to repeat any of the subjects one time. In other words, the free market system works, without government intervention, and the liberals hate that. In other words, families work, without government intervention, and the liberals hate that. In other words, most things in the people’s lives work, without government intervention. Start putting that intervention in? And it doesn’t work anymore.
There are so many examples of this, that it would seem that even a moron could get it. But the liberals don’t. The only way to save this country from finishing the flush down the proverbial toilet that the liberal big government people have put us in, is to vote them out of office. All of them who believe that we can’t do anything without them.
And we all know who they are. My question is, are we so lazy that we can’t find the reason to oust them? I know I am not. Going to do my part come November. I hope you all do too, for the sake of this great country we lovingly call America.
I remember back some years, when I was a lot younger, parents being able to raise their own children without government interference, and you know, it worked. Now, the government interferes in almost every aspect of it, and it doesn’t work anymore.
I remember back some years, when I was a lot younger, we could go to school and we were taught things that really mattered. We were taught self reliance by our parents. Math, reading and science by our teachers, and healthy lifestyles by both our parents and our P.E. teachers. It worked. Now, with the government in almost every bit of that, it doesn’t work anymore.
I remember back some years, when I was a lot younger, heck even just a few years ago, I could light my house, with any light bulb or neon tube that I wanted too. The government stayed out of my business at home, and it worked. My energy bills were low, and life was good. Then the government got into it, and, guess what? It doesn’t work anymore.
I remember back when I was younger, you could put up, or not put up any Christmas decorations that you wanted, and no one said a word. And it worked. The holidays were happy and fun for everyone. Then the government got into it, and it doesn’t work anymore. Same thing for religion.
I remember back when I was younger, us kids didn’t learn about sex in the schools. Parents, teachers and principles took care of the school bullies, and us kids learned the right way to read and write, without all the slang or new words that were spelled unlike real words, but didn’t really exist in anything but slang.
We could read our diplomas and books, without any misspelled words to contend with, and teachers weren’t interested in indoctrinating us against the will of our parents, but instead they taught us. And it worked. Now, with the government involved, it doesn’t work anymore.
I remember back when I was younger, when businesses started up, with little government interference, they grew and prospered. Now the government is in almost every aspect of a business, and guess what? It doesn’t work anymore.
I remember back when I was younger, banks and mortgage companies prospered and sold homes to people and it worked. Then, Barney Frank and the government got involved making the banks and mortgage companies give home loans to people even if they couldn’t afford it to make things fair, and Housing fell through the roof. Before government intervention, it worked. After? It doesn’t work anymore.
I remember back when I was younger, businesses were run by the owners. If they went under because of bad financial practices, they went under. C’lie Vie. Someone else would start a new business to fill the niche. It worked. Then the government got involved and started bailing out companies that were going under because of bad business practices, and guess what? It doesn’t work anymore.
I also remember back when I was younger, if you got really badly sick to where you would die if you didn’t get medical help, the government stayed out of it, and you got better. It worked. Now, with the government getting involved in “death panels” and decisions to tell you if you were worth the operation to save you or not, and guess what? It doesn’t work anymore.
This even goes for the military. We used to fight wars when we had too, to win. Now we fight them to lose. The governmental regulations and liberal ideals involved, and it doesn’t work anymore.
I could go on and on about this. and this post would become so long, it would be a book. And I wouldn’t have to repeat any of the subjects one time. In other words, the free market system works, without government intervention, and the liberals hate that. In other words, families work, without government intervention, and the liberals hate that. In other words, most things in the people’s lives work, without government intervention. Start putting that intervention in? And it doesn’t work anymore.
There are so many examples of this, that it would seem that even a moron could get it. But the liberals don’t. The only way to save this country from finishing the flush down the proverbial toilet that the liberal big government people have put us in, is to vote them out of office. All of them who believe that we can’t do anything without them.
And we all know who they are. My question is, are we so lazy that we can’t find the reason to oust them? I know I am not. Going to do my part come November. I hope you all do too, for the sake of this great country we lovingly call America.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Liberals Aren't Funny, They're a Riot! - HUMAN EVENTS
Liberals love mobs because rioting and anarchy is their path to power
Liberals Aren't Funny, They're a Riot! - HUMAN EVENTS
Liberals Aren't Funny, They're a Riot! - HUMAN EVENTS
Monday, August 15, 2011
Obama’s Jekyll and Hyde Routine: Disturbing Mixed Messages - HUMAN EVENTS
Mr. Hall says it plainly, and much better than I ever could.
Obama’s Jekyll and Hyde Routine: Disturbing Mixed Messages - HUMAN EVENTS
Obama’s Jekyll and Hyde Routine: Disturbing Mixed Messages - HUMAN EVENTS
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Report: Obama Administration Added $9.5 Billion in Red Tape in July - US News and World Report
Did you feel your freedoms eroding last month?
Report: Obama Administration Added $9.5 Billion in Red Tape in July - US News and World Report
Report: Obama Administration Added $9.5 Billion in Red Tape in July - US News and World Report
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