Friday, September 30, 2011

Solar Energy School Propaganda 101 - HUMAN EVENTS

Solar Energy School Propaganda 101 - HUMAN EVENTS

If you, or your children, are being taught that solar and other renewable energy sources are cost effective and desirable, think again. Ms. Malkin uncovers an alarming program she found in some shcools. Read this article please and talk to your parents and children.

The telling quote from this article is...

...the Institute for Energy Research concludes: "Although stand-alone solar power has a certain free-market niche and does not need government favor, using solar power for grid electricity has been and will be an economic loser for ratepayers and a burden to taxpayers."

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Jobs, At what cost?

The Obama Energy Department has once again ventured into garenteeing loans for solar projects, to the tune of $1.1 Billion. According to their own estimates, these two projects will create 900 contruction (read: temporary) jobs, and at least 52 permanent jobs.

Let's do some math with what we know.

Let's assume, generously so, that the construction jobs pay $100,000 per year and last 2 years. After spending $180 Million on those jobs, the 52 permanent jobs will cost almost $17.7 Million each.

And this undefensible project comes on the heals of a lost half billion dollars in Solyndra.

We simply cannot afford this.

Does Rick Perry Have a Performance Problem - HUMAN EVENTS

Does Rick Perry Have a Performance Problem - HUMAN EVENTS

But liberals enjoy engaging in wild social experiments with other people's lives, safety and money in order to feel better about themselves. ~ Ann Coulter

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Solyndra Was Just a Bad Bet From the Beginning - The Atlantic

Solyndra Was Just a Bad Bet From the Beginning - The Atlantic

Want to have a better understanding of what went wrong adn how with the infusion of tax dollars into Solyndra? Read this article. If you read this and don't think the administration made grievous errors, you need to read it over.

Governments Don't Create Prosperity - HUMAN EVENTS

Governments Don't Create Prosperity - HUMAN EVENTS

I get tired of trying to explain to people I know how taking from the private sector and giving to governments does not produce wealth. It amazes me how stubborn some poeple can be in seeing this obvious cause and effect relationship between giving and taking and compaounding of money based on economic activity.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Obama’s Enron - Rich Lowry - National Review Online

Obama’s Enron - Rich Lowry - National Review Online

Obama said last year, “The true engine of economic growth will always be companies like Solyndra.” If that were so, it never would have needed half a billion of our dollars in the first place.

Obama has little or no track record of picking winners in any marketplace. Politicians he supported lost the governorships of New Jersey and Virginia, and a US Senate special election in Massachusettes. He has the CEO of GE as a jobs advisor, and GE moved two whole divisions of it business to China this summer.

Come on America. Obama should not have been elected, and we cannot afford his re-election.