Friday, April 11, 2014

Budget Director to Replace Secretary of HHS

Sebelius Resigns
Matthews Burwell to Replace Sebelius

So Kathleen Sebelius resigned as Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), and President Obama is replacing her with Sylvia Matthews Burwell, the White House Director of Budget Management.  This is not a good decision on his part.

Matthews Burwell is the director of the budget, but the White House has never passed a budget under Obama.  So what on earth qualifies Matthews to be the Secretary of HHS?  Apparently she is responsible for the government shutting down parks and monuments during the sequestration shutdown, which was blamed on Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tx).

Apparently Obama is not so concerned with qualifications for various jobs or he would appoint qualified people to those.  But if you can do your political hacking and hurt opponents in the process, you get promoted to cabinet secretary.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Hank Aaron Compares Republicans That Oppose Obama To KKK

Hank Aaron Compares Republicans That Oppose Obama To KKK « CBS Atlanta

This is a ridiculous statement to make and absolutely without basis in fact.

1.  Mr. Aaron, do you know that the only member of the KKK to be elected to the US Senate was a Democrat from West Virginia, Robert Byrd?

2.  Do you know that a greater percentage of Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act than Democrats?  In fact, Democrat Senator Byrd and other tried to filibuster that bill.

3.  We have a two party system where the parties are obviously opposed to one another.  The fact that Republicans oppose a Democrat president is no more offensive than the disdain the Democrats shared for George W. Bush.

4.  Opposition is healthy for the country, or we end up with single party rule.  Single party rule has no obstacles to what it can do.  Would you like to risk that with either party?

5.  What has the Democrat party done for you lately?  Poverty?  Jobs?  Schools?  Black on black crime?

6.  Name calling is the last resort of a person losing the argument.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Is Paycheck Fairness Already Here?

Will Paycheck Fairness Act Help Women?

Key paragraph from this article:

"The so-called Paycheck Fairness Act won’t lead to fairer pay. By establishing more red tape, it will lead to more lawsuits, higher business costs, and fewer job opportunities. Then why are Democrats pushing this bill as a solution to the “War on Women” if it doesn’t actually help (and in many cases hurts) women? Politics, of course."