Monday, September 28, 2015

Just Fall from a Turnip Truck?

Five Year Old Meets Pope

In case you just fell from the turnip truck, this story is complete fiction.  Ask yourself the following questions to validate my assertion.

  1. With heightened security around  the pope not permitting him to mingle with the crowd, are we to believe a 5 year girl simply climbed barricades and walked to the pope's vehicle?
  2. Are we to believe a 5 year old wrote the letter that is quoted in this piece?
  3. What 5 year old anxiously awaits the pope to hand deliver a letter in a highly guarded motorcade?  Or 25 year old for that matter?
  4. How do you suppose the secret contents of the letter became so public?
  5. Do you still think this is a spontaneous act of a 5 year old?
  6. Would you like to buy ocean-front property in Kentucky?

Friday, September 18, 2015

We Still Have Free Speech, No?

UC goes back to the drawing board on controversial revamp of free-speech policy

So the University of California system instituted an intolerance policy which in effect limited free speech to only non-offensive language.  The problem with that policy, according to some, is that it did not go far enough.

The problem as I see it is that we have this thing called the 1st Amendment which provides for free speech.  In particular, it provides for free speech that others may not agree with.  The reason that is so is because speech that everyone agrees with requires no protection at all.

Too many colleges and universities are trying to protect overly sensitive students who seemingly are incapable of either countering the speech with debate, or ignoring it.  What will come of our country if our youth are treated like china dolls who cannot be permitted to hear rough or insensitive language?  This intolerance for free speech must not continue.