Obama Commencement Speech to Rutgers
President Obama told the Rutgers graduates that "ignorance is not a virtue", which was directed at Donald Trump. Obama was implying that Donald Trump is ignorant, mostly because he is a republican running to succeed Obama in the White House, and because he disagrees with many positions taken by the candidate.
Taking a position different from a candidate is perfectly legitimate and President Obama has his own opinions. But to lecture people on anti-intellectualism is quite dishonest as Obama applied the test.
The president has taken many positions which have been proven incorrect over time, such as:
President Obama told the Rutgers graduates that "ignorance is not a virtue", which was directed at Donald Trump. Obama was implying that Donald Trump is ignorant, mostly because he is a republican running to succeed Obama in the White House, and because he disagrees with many positions taken by the candidate.
Taking a position different from a candidate is perfectly legitimate and President Obama has his own opinions. But to lecture people on anti-intellectualism is quite dishonest as Obama applied the test.
The president has taken many positions which have been proven incorrect over time, such as:
- Giving hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidies to green energy companies such as Solyndra
- Attempting to validate the nearly $1T stimulus package as actually helping turn the economy around
- Shovel ready jobs which were not so shovel ready, and laughing about it
- Monthly overestimating jobs created, leading to restating actual jobs a month later
- Telling Americans they can keep their doctor and their insurance plan if they like it
- The climate change science is a settled matter
- Sending administration officials to the funeral of Michael Brown, who we later learned actually assaulted the police officer who shot back in self-defense
- Calling Cambridge, MA. police stupid for arresting a man without identification breaking into a home
- Campaigning in all 57 states
- Claiming ISIS is the JV team, yet unable to defeat them, while claiming we are defeating them
- Not understanding basic math by spending trillions more then the government collects in taxes, doubling the national debt
- Accepting tens of thousands of Muslim refugees from Syria despite the inability to adequately screen out the terrorists among them
- Unconstitutionally changing laws passed by congress, and losing cases in the Supreme Court for doing so