Thursday, March 3, 2011

Religion and Government

This country, indeed the whole world, needs to have a conversation about the compatability of Islam, Christianity and Jjudaism, and how their practitioners can peacefully coexist. Mr Hayward says it quite elogently. Freedom of religion and just government must go hand in hand. Key quotes from Hayward's column for me are:

~Religious beliefs, including atheism, rank among a citizen’s most treasured intellectual possessions. A government which does not respect these paramount treasures will be unlikely to show deep respect for its citizens in any other area.

~By definition, each of us sees his own religion as correct, which makes all others “wrong” to some degree. To fully embrace the free exercise of those “incorrect” beliefs is the ultimate measure of faith in our fellow citizens.

~The founders of the United States spoke of rights granted by God, but they are no less meaningful to those who refer to the divine by other names, or no name at all.

~and finally~
Understand the freedom of religion, and you will see the wisdom and justice of every other word in the Constitution reflected within.

The Final Freedom - HUMAN EVENTS

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