Friday, June 17, 2011

Sheila Lee is both Right and Wrong!

Congresswoman Lee thinks we need to investigate christian radicals. 

Why Wrong?
Christians are not causing pain, death adn destruction around the world like radical muslims are.  Sure, a few christians have committed crimes which may or may not be classified as terror, but they pale in comparison to the number of muslim terrorist acts, or "man-caused disasters" as the Obama adminisitration refers to these events.

Why Right?
Because the self proclaimed christian living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue claims to want to "fundamentally transform America".  President Obama has already taken over American corporations, fired CEO's of publicly traded companies, given billions of US dollars to selected enterpirses, and extended our militaary,and stfiled the economy, all in opposition to his stated goals from his campaign.

Mr, Obama is the radical christian bringing down the country.  His administration is allowing guns to be sold and transported to Mexican drug cartels that are responsible for much death and destruction in and near the USA.  Much of the illegal immigration into the US can be attributed to Mexicans wanting to get away from teh daily violence of their own country.  Those drugs that they are resonsible for distributing are finding their way into the AMerican streets and homes, and fundamentally destroying lives of Americans.

Obama is also responsible for the foreign policy which is not so discreetly destroying relationships with values allies sucha s Great Brittain and Israel, and supporting regimes that do not have the best interests of the USA in their plans.

Obama is also destroying jobs in the oil, coal and airliner manufacturing indstries with his policies.  these jobs would help families get back on their feet, and ultimately help the voerall economy.

Ms. Lee, please do investigate the christian radicals, but start in the White House.

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