Friday, August 31, 2012

Thoughts on the Republican National Convention

I watched much of the FoxNews feed of the RNC, and a couple times I switched over to MSNBC just to see what I might miss.

First, I thought the Republicans focused on all the right things during their speeches.  They took the high road by focusing on the issues and values and not getting muddy with jabs at the Democrats or President Obama.  Not that they were not mentioned, because they were.  But the content was focused on what makes the difference between the two parties, and not name calling or mud slinging.

The memorable speeches for me were Chris Christie, Condoleeza Rice, and Marco Rubio.  They were inspirational speeches.  Condi was by far the best.  Mitt Romney's speech was very presidential, though not terribly emotional or stem winding.  But that is what he needed to do in my opinion.

As for Clint Eastwood's presentation, (it can hardly be called a speech) he left something to be desired.  While he did deliver some great lines, he looked and sounded old and tired in his delivery.   But I do hope President Obama 'makes his day'.

While watching FoxNews I was impressed with the tone of the comments about how various speakers performed.  Agree or not, the commentators were professional and courteous while making their judgements.

I only wish MSNBC could be even half as much so.  They were obviously biased against most speakers, and their comments sounded more childish and petty, and less professional.  I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why Al Sharpton has his job on that network. 

Granted, I am a conservative, and regular FoxNews viewer, but I think my assessment is fair.  Fox's commentators are mostly conservative, but they manage to disguise it well enough to sound legitimate and fair minded when discussing the topic dujor.  MSNBC however, sounds like the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

I can;t wait to watch the DNC on Charlotte so I can compare and contrast the delivery of the party message.  I am curious to know if the democrats will stay on message, or if they will sling mud and call their opponents names.

Game on, as they say.

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