Thursday, September 27, 2012

Obama Versus Obama

Dr. Thomas Sowell, PhD Economics, authored the following three columns which offers analysis of the self proclaimed image of Barack Obama versus the President Obama we can see every day.  This answers the question, does Obama walk the talk?

Obama v Obama 
Obama v Obama Part II
Obama v Obama Part III
Obama v Obama Part IV (updated 10-2-2012)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Obama's tactical success but strategic failure - Conservative News

Obama's tactical success but strategic failure - Conservative News

If you buy into the curretn set of political polls and mainstream media assertions about Barack Obama;s foreign affairs success, think agian.  Read this detailed account of multiple failures, failures that border on anti-American sentiment.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bolton: America needs stronger defense than what Obama has shown - Conservative News

Bolton: America needs stronger defense than what Obama has shown - Conservative News

I saw John Bolton interviewed on FoxNews last week, and his comments were enlightening to me.  When asked about the US policy toward the middle east and Islamic radicals, he gave four points we need to focus on.

1.  We need to protect and maintain our relationship with Israel.
2.  We need to maintain relationships with oil producing countries, because that oil does have significant impact on the global economy.
3.  We need to maintain global economic relationships to promote foreign trade with all countries.
4.  We need to search out and destroy terrorists.

These four points are reasons why America must remain active in the middle east.  These four points are in the interest of the US and always will be.  We need not apologize for these truths.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Oxymoron: Government Stimulus

Bush 43 tax rebate of $600 per individual
Stimulus I
Stimulus II
Hundreds of billions of dollars in bailouts for banks and auto companies
Cash for Clunkers
Cash for Caulkers
Hundreds of billions in loan garentees to bankrupt "green" companies
Quantative Easing I, II and now III
>$1T defecit per year for 3 years
Tax credits for buying electric cars

Unemployment above 8% for 43 straight months
Median household income down $4,000 in 3 years
Gasoline prices doubled in 3 years
Mortgage foreclosures

So tell me, where is the stimulus to the economy?

Friday, September 14, 2012

Is Anyone Concerned?

Not only were four Americans killed, including our ambassador to Lybia, but secure documents were stolen.  These documents apparently include names of people, Americans agents and Lybian informants, and secure locations where they operate. 

Now we learned that two days prior, our intelligence organization had intel on the events that occured on September 11, shared that information with the Obama administration, and they sat on it.  Link

The events of this week are complex and the timeline keeps changing based on new information coming public as news organziations begin to investigate.  It is also becoming clear that this adminsitration does not know what to do next, or how to proceed.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Tough Day

Las Vegas Review-Journal News Video

So Mr. President, you think the death of a US Ambassador and three other Americans is a "tough day"?  On a day when an embassy in Cairo and a US Consolate were atackced by mobs on the anniversary of the terror attacks of September 11.2001, and deaths of four people serving our country at one of those locations, you describe it as a "tough day"?

Can you please explain why you attended this campaign event on September 12, 2012, when you did not attent your daily security briefing?  In fact, you have only attended about 40% of these daily breifings since you were sworn to protect and defend this country.

Note that this is supposed to be a nes organization, the Las Vegas Review-Journal, but this video looks and sounds more like a campaign ad than a news story.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Under Obama, 11,327 Pages of Federal Regulations Added

Under Obama, 11,327 Pages of Federal Regulations Added |

And people wonder how regulations impact business.  Navigating this maze of paperwork is a monumental task for a business owner.  This also has a greater impact on smaller businesses, which do not have enough staff to deal with just regulatory issues.  Large corporations have in house lawyers, tax specialists, and more, with specific duties pertaining to these regulations.  Small businesses have to deal with regulations in the after business hours, or pay a contractor to do it for them.

In 2008 this cost of regulation to businesses was estimated at $1.7T.  Four years later the cost can only be significantly higher.  Is it any wonder Republicans want to reduce regulations and their impact on business and the economy?  Democrats want you to believe that regulations prevent anything bad from happening.  Actually, they prevent business from happening.

Monday, September 10, 2012

GM Is Still Bankrupt

The Democrats GM Fiction

The bottom line: 
The GM bailout was a bad deal for GM’s creditors, for U.S. taxpayers, and, in the long run, for the U.S. automobile industry and our overall national competitiveness. No wonder the Democrats are campaigning on a fictionalized account of it.

Friday, September 7, 2012

American Auto Industry Saved?

Barack Obama wants American voters to think he alone saved GM and Chrysler.  Facts most people do not know:

1.  George W Bush bailed out Chrysler and GM with $17B before Obama took office.  Obama then added another $60B on top of that.
2.  GM is now partly owned by the UAW and the US government.
3.  Chrysler bond holders were not allowed to get a share of the new corporation, and lost every cent they had invested in Chrysler.  Their share of the old Chrysler is now owned, at least in part, by the UAW.
4.  Chrysler is not an Italian owned corporation, owned by Fiat.
5.  Ford accepted $0 in bailout money and they are now successful.
6.  The bailout was a type of managed bankruptcy without actually going through bankruptcy court.  So when Mitt Romney says the companies should have been allowed to go bankrupt, he is actually right.  They did, but by going through the Oval Office instead of federal courts.

So what exactly did we get for $77B in auto bailout money?

Unemployment Rate is a Meaningless Number

Record 88,921,000 Americans ‘Not in Labor Force’—119,000 Fewer Employed in August Than July |

It's official, the unemployment rate is a meaningless number.  Here's how you know that is true.

In July the rate was said to be 8.3%, and in August it was 8.1%
But in July there were 155,013,000 people employed, while in August that number dropped to 154,645,000.  So how can the unemployment rate go down, when the number of employed goes down, and the population grows?  Answer is, it can't.  UNless you play games with the numbers, and how you classify employed people and unemployed people.

Also, note that the economy supposedly added 96,000 jobs, but the number of employed people went down.  Go figure.  No seriously, go figure that out for me.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

DNC Sounds

In the DNC speeches we've heard the following:

Republicans would turn a pregnant woman in labor away from an ER where she would supposedly demand an abortion.
Mitt Romney wants to end basic women's helath services.
Paying you fair share of taxes is patriotic.
Romney & Ryan want to turn your health care over to insurance companies.

What he have not heard:

Obama cut the deficit in half as he promised.
The oceans are lower because of Obama.
The planet has healed because of Obama.
The green economy is booming.
Unemployment never went above 8%.
Household income is up 8%.
You can keep your doctor.  Oh wait, they lied and did say that at the DNC.

How do democrats expect to be taken seriously?

Clinton rejects Obamanomics, embraces Reaganomics - Conservative News

Clinton rejects Obamanomics, embraces Reaganomics - Conservative News

So, Bill Clinton was a follower of Reaganomics?  Really!   Clinton...

abandoned Hillary-care
lower capital gains tax rate from 28% to 20%
passed Welfare Reform initiated by Republicans
lower estate tax rates
lowered spending
succeeded in working across the aisle with Newt Gingrich and a Republican majority ion the House

As a result, tax revenues collected by the IRS soared, and the budget balanced, then created a surplus.  Entitlement spending went down as a result of expanding economy and no national healthcare law.

Does that sound like Barack Obama?