Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Tough Day

Las Vegas Review-Journal News Video

So Mr. President, you think the death of a US Ambassador and three other Americans is a "tough day"?  On a day when an embassy in Cairo and a US Consolate were atackced by mobs on the anniversary of the terror attacks of September 11.2001, and deaths of four people serving our country at one of those locations, you describe it as a "tough day"?

Can you please explain why you attended this campaign event on September 12, 2012, when you did not attent your daily security briefing?  In fact, you have only attended about 40% of these daily breifings since you were sworn to protect and defend this country.

Note that this is supposed to be a nes organization, the Las Vegas Review-Journal, but this video looks and sounds more like a campaign ad than a news story.

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