Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Restoring Trust in Government

Thomas Sowell wrote this article about trust and government.  Read it Here

"But we the voters are not blameless. Having chosen an untested man to be president, on the basis of rhetoric, style and symbolism, we have ourselves to blame if we now have only a choice between two potentially tragic fates -- the loss of American lives to terrorism or a further dismantling of our freedoms that has already led many people to ask: "Is this still America?""

We elected Barack Obama, who came with little to no experience in government, and even less running any kind of organization as an executive.  During the campaign for the 2008 election there were no fewer than 18 books written about or by this man we elected.  He then won a Nobel Peace Prize for accomplishing exactly nothing.

This man spoke of fundamentally changing America, and now we see it happening before our eyes. 

His administration claims transparency, which would in theory, allow us to see everything we need to see about what and how he operates.  I scoff at that claim.

His Attorney General lies about investigations.
His trophy legislation is a 2400 page bill voted on before it was read.
He chooses which laws to enforce regarding immigration and marriage.
His DOJ dropped charges of voter intimidation against those who were already convicted of it.
The NSA is spying on Americans while his appointed claim they do not.
He claims to cut a budget that is ever bigger year after year.
He has travelled more away from DC than any president in history, and that is just election campaigning, fund raising and vacationing.

Fundamentally change America.  You bet he did.  What do you think? 

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