Monday, July 8, 2013

Never Mind

A Never Mind Presidency - George Will
Does anyone find it at least a little bit troubling that this president can simply say never mind with regards to various laws.  The PPACA (Obamacare) mandates employers with more than 50 employees must provide health care coverage to those employees by October 2013 for the 2014 calendar year.  Now President Obama has delayed a legally passed and signed law for 12 more year, to 2015, conveniently after mid term elections.

The president has done similar legal evasions by choosing not to enforce other laws, such a various immigration laws, creating his own non- congressional "dream act".  This was a proposed, but never passed, piece of legislation that would have legalized countless children of illegal immigrants who had no choice in coming to America with their parents.

He also had his AG Eric Holder dismiss charges for which member of the Black Panthers intimidated voters in a polling place in Philadelphia.  I guess voter intimidation is okay when blacks impose on non-blacks, but not the other way around.

Let's also not forget that Obama chose not to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), and has often times proposed executive orders which have the effect of laws, especially regarding the EPA and Department of Labor.

This country has many founding principles including that we all follow the rule of law.  Laws are passed by legislative bodies and signed into law by executives who enforce the laws.  Courts determine whether laws are being followed or broken, and in some cases whehter said lass violate state or federal constitutions.  Presidents do not get to make law and choose whether or not to enforce this or the other law.

George Will nailed it on this one.

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