Friday, March 20, 2015

Mandatory Voting Violates First Amendment

Obama Praises Idea of Mandatory Voting

Isn't the president supposed to be a constitutional scholar?  I know I've heard that said.  So now he supports the idea of mandatory voting for all.  Let's analyze this shall we?

Voting is political speech, and we have the right to vote if you meet all criteria such as citizenship, age and residency.  Having the right to vote also provides for the right not to vote, just as the right of free speech is partnered with the right to remain silent.  So Mr. Obama, the constitutional scholar, wants to revoke your right to free political speech by taking away your right to remain silent, or not vote.

The value of your one vote is in the ability to express your political will by placing a ballot in the box.  Presumably, your vote carries the same weight as all other votes.  But if people vote who do not have the right to do so, what then happens to your one vote?  It becomes less meaningful of course. 

The point of this is that identifying yourself at the polling place proves you have the right to vote, or not.  It prevents fraudulent voters from voting.  It does not prevent rightful voters from voting.

Once we determined this to be that case, then all we need to do is figure out how all voters can best identify themselves as such.  This is not the hurdle some would have you believe.

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