Monday, June 22, 2015

Liberals Want to Know

Following the mass shooting in Charleston, liberals have taken to the microphones demanding more gun control, and asking how we stop the hating.  How do we stop the hating?

Let's look at liberal arguments over the years:
  1. If you don't like Obamacare, you hate grandma.  Remember images of a Paul Ryan lookalike pushing granny over the cliff in her wheel chair?
  2. If you don't support abortion on demand, you hate women. 
  3. If you want lower taxes, you hate the poor.
  4. If you support the police, you hate the people in poor neighborhoods.
  5. If you support religious freedom, you hate gays.
  6. If you support free enterprise, you hate the middle class.
  7. If you do not support the EPA, you hate the environment.
  8. If you do not support Common Core, you hate children.
So, in other words, liberals claim conservatives hate everyone.   But if you repeat the theme often enough in various forms, anyone who disagrees with your point of view is a hater.  How do you deal with haters?

Hate is at the heart of most evils.  Mass murder, genocide through the ages, and terrorism, are all based on hatred of some group.  So hatred begets violence.  Is it any wonder why we have violence since we explain everything in terms of hatred?  Can't we just have an honest political debate without labeling the opposition as haters?

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