Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Divided Americans - Liberals Hate Conservatives

As long as liberals hate conservatives for darn near everything they believe in, there will never be unity in America.
  • Disagree on voter id laws and you hate blacks.  You want to reinstate Jim Crow.
  • Disagree on Obamacare and you hate grandmothers.  You want them to die for lack of proper health care.
  • Disagree on abortion and you hate women.  You want to deny them their reproductive rights.  Note: Abortion is not reproductive.
  • Disagree on minimum wage and you hate poor people.  You want families to starve in poverty.
  • Disagree on gay marriage and you hate the LGBT people.  You are homophobic.  Note: Phobia is irrational fear of something.
  • Disagree on education policy and you hate children.  You oppose the choice of people going to better schools.
  • Disagree on immigration policy and you hate immigrants.  You oppose all legal immigrants also.
  • Disagree on Syrian refugee policy and you hate all Muslims. 
  • Disagree on global warming and you hate the planet and animals.  You want to poison the air and water.
  • Disagree on unions and you hate working people.
  • Disagree on taxes and you hate 99% of the people.
  • Disagree on Social Security and you hate the elderly.
  • Disagree on gun control and you hate school children who may die in the next mass shooting.
  • Disagree on mortgage policy and you hate blacks trying to move to a better neighborhood.
  • Disagree on affirmative action and you hate minorities, women and disabled people.
    There is no room for gray area in their thinking. With so much hate you have no option but to hate.  I, for one, could never associate with the liberal left or I would be required to hate so many people.  Conservatives are so much more optimistic about America and Americans than liberals.  Liberals repeat the narrative that conservatives are fearmongerers, racists, bigots, Fascists and Nazis.
Liberals have good intentions and they think that is enough.  If they mean well, then everything they do is good.  Results do not matter. 
  • So what if 60 years of the welfare state have failed to lift so many out of poverty. 
  • So what if abortion kills millions of babies. 
  • So what if higher minimum wages result in lower employment. 
  • So what if Obamacare raised costs and lowered availability and quality. 
  • So what if we cannot keep illegal immigrants from taking jobs of citizens. 
  • So what if we cannot distinguish between peace loving Muslims and jihadists.
  • So what if we're deeper in debt than ever.
  • So what if schools are overburdened with the task of parenting and teaching students.
  • So what if non registered people vote in elections.
  • So what if tariffs cause costs of products to go up while jobs go down.
  • So what if higher tax rates take money from entrepreneurs who could otherwise hire employees.
  • So what if gun free zones become target rich for mass murderers.

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