It is often said, "You can't make this stuff up". In this election year it is heard more frequently than ever as it pertains to the two candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. There are many reasons why voters may not vote for either candidate in particular, or for any of them in general. Mrs. Clinton, however, has the most reasons by far, and they are of her own doing.
Mrs Clinton is a notorious liar. She has been a proven liar in matters involving the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi on September 11, 2011, and concerning her use of a private email server.
She has also be involved in many scandals going back to her days as a young attorney, wife of a governor, First Lady of the USA, Secretary of State, and now, nominee for President. If elected, given her propensity for lying, the lengthy list of scandals would surely continue to grow.
All of the email related lies and scandal could have been avoided if she had simply followed the law and used a government provided and supported email server. But even using the private server, she could have avoided this if she had complied with FOIA requests and subpoenas by turning over the server and contents. Why would you not do those things? We'll find out what was being hidden from view eventually. And by the surprising lengths she went to in order to avoid exposure, it is more likely than not criminal in nature, and also likely to place national security at risk.
I include Democrats in this brew for the following reasons.
First, the Department of Justice, with AG Loretta Lynch in control, has provided at least an appearance of impropriety, by meeting with former President Clinton, husband of the candidate under investigation at the time. That meeting at an airport in Arizona raised suspicion since it came shortly before FBI Director Comey presented his case at a press conference. During the presser he basically indicted Mrs. Clinton for several violations of national security law, then said he would not recommend indictment. That was a total miscarriage of justice.
Second, now that another stash of an estimated 650,000 email messages have been found on the personal computer of Clinton aide Huma Abedin, AG Lynch refuses to allow the FBI to read through those and determine if they present any legal problems for the previously closed investigation concerning Mrs. Clinton's email issues.
Third, many Democrat operatives and politicians are now making the news show circuit to explain away Mrs. Clinton's problems with email in a not so transparent way. When the FBI Directory told us he would not recommend indictment after providing multiple reasons to indict, these Democrats praised the director and claimed he exonerated her. Now they are accusing the same director of a political hit job on her. You can't have it both ways.
Fourth, the way Democrats join ranks to protect their candidate is especially troubling. It creates a closed minded, group think, go along to get along, mentality. It makes one wonder if they all really believe what they are saying, or are they that much afraid to be different and stand on principle.
While Donald Trump is a flawed candidate personally, he does not present the kind of risk that having Hillary Clinton as our president would. Neither candidate is especially highly thought of, but only one carries the scandalous baggage that could truly be harmful to the country.
You can't make this stuff up. Can't say that anymore.
Mrs Clinton is a notorious liar. She has been a proven liar in matters involving the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi on September 11, 2011, and concerning her use of a private email server.
She has also be involved in many scandals going back to her days as a young attorney, wife of a governor, First Lady of the USA, Secretary of State, and now, nominee for President. If elected, given her propensity for lying, the lengthy list of scandals would surely continue to grow.
All of the email related lies and scandal could have been avoided if she had simply followed the law and used a government provided and supported email server. But even using the private server, she could have avoided this if she had complied with FOIA requests and subpoenas by turning over the server and contents. Why would you not do those things? We'll find out what was being hidden from view eventually. And by the surprising lengths she went to in order to avoid exposure, it is more likely than not criminal in nature, and also likely to place national security at risk.
I include Democrats in this brew for the following reasons.
First, the Department of Justice, with AG Loretta Lynch in control, has provided at least an appearance of impropriety, by meeting with former President Clinton, husband of the candidate under investigation at the time. That meeting at an airport in Arizona raised suspicion since it came shortly before FBI Director Comey presented his case at a press conference. During the presser he basically indicted Mrs. Clinton for several violations of national security law, then said he would not recommend indictment. That was a total miscarriage of justice.
Second, now that another stash of an estimated 650,000 email messages have been found on the personal computer of Clinton aide Huma Abedin, AG Lynch refuses to allow the FBI to read through those and determine if they present any legal problems for the previously closed investigation concerning Mrs. Clinton's email issues.
Third, many Democrat operatives and politicians are now making the news show circuit to explain away Mrs. Clinton's problems with email in a not so transparent way. When the FBI Directory told us he would not recommend indictment after providing multiple reasons to indict, these Democrats praised the director and claimed he exonerated her. Now they are accusing the same director of a political hit job on her. You can't have it both ways.
Fourth, the way Democrats join ranks to protect their candidate is especially troubling. It creates a closed minded, group think, go along to get along, mentality. It makes one wonder if they all really believe what they are saying, or are they that much afraid to be different and stand on principle.
While Donald Trump is a flawed candidate personally, he does not present the kind of risk that having Hillary Clinton as our president would. Neither candidate is especially highly thought of, but only one carries the scandalous baggage that could truly be harmful to the country.
You can't make this stuff up. Can't say that anymore.