Donald Trump says mean things. But then, Hillary is a liar and a generally mean person. So let's let those two things cancel each other out in the discussion of this election, shall we?
The reasons I will vote for Trump are listed here:
- Donald Trump wants to lower my taxes while Hillary Clinton wants to raise them
- Trump wants to eliminate regulations to allow businesses to grow. Hillary wants to keep and/or increase regulations to keep business stagnant.
- Trump wants to increase border security to prevent illegal immigration. Hillary wants open borders.
- Trump wants to appoint judges who will honor and respect the constitution. Hillary wants to change the constitution from the bench by judicial fiat.
- Trump will repeal Obamacare. Hillary will morph Obamacare into a single payer system and destroy healthcare altogether.
- Hillary will try to bankrupt gun manufacturers by allowing victims of gun crimes to sue the company that made the gun. This would be like suing Ford if you're hit by a drunk driver in an Taurus. Trump would not do that, and he fully supports your constitutional right to bear arms.
- Trump may not have any foreign policy experience, but neither did the previous 43 presidents. Hillary's experience has been dreadfully inept, resulting in what we currently see in the Middle East and with Russia.
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