Elitist Arrogance Part II
Dr. Williams, in this article, tells us the elitists who proclaim the need for a $15 minimum wage know better than everyone, when it comes to what to pay for labor. As we know, labor is a cost of doing business. Like paying the utility company, rent, buying materials, and more, labor has a price.
Williams explains how the business might change their normal operations to economize so as to remain profitable. But those advocating higher wages never seem to understand how a business must remain profitable and will adjust to a changing business environment.
No one seems to misunderstand how a business reacts to competition. The owner will work harder to improve quality and efficiency, offer special price promotions, change hours of operations, or reduce costs so he can offer a better deal to customers who would then choose doing business with him instead of the competition. The same options apply to rising labor costs.
Proponents of $15/hour minimum wage also say it is not possible to raise a family on less. I say you should not have a family if you make minimum wages. Minimum wage jobs are entry level jobs by design. They are to be a way for low skilled, uneducated workers to gain experience working, developing a work history, so the worker can begin to progress upward in skills and wages.
If raising the price of unskilled labor is the correct thing to do, then raising the prices of gasoline, milk, bread, shoes and eye glasses, etc., would be even better, would it not?
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