Friday, June 3, 2016

The Tolerant Left?

Recent campaign events for Donald Trump have become more violent and less protestation than ever.  In San Jose this week a woman was pelted with eggs, spat upon, and otherwise threatened.  The people doing these things to her were 'protesting' in opposition to Donald Trump, candidate for the office of President of the United States.

As Trump is a Republican, and those protestors supporters of Bernie Sanders, Democrat, it seems obvious the political left is becoming less and less tolerant of the right.

In recent years the left has been less tolerant of police, Christians, whites, and heterosexuals.  They like to state how we must be more tolerant, and yet they are less so.

I am amazed that protestors who throw rocks and bottles at police, eggs at lone women, burn cars, break into store fronts, and yell threats at citizens attending political rallies, are still called protestors and not rioters.

Those demanding more tolerance from others must believe they live on a one-way street.

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