Saturday, April 2, 2011


President Obama is indecisive and does not follow through or deliver on promises.


Laws have not been debated in the open such as healthcare debate on CSPAN.  Text is legislation has not bee published online before voting in the congress.

This week he received an award for transparency, that was presented behind closed doors with no one the press in attendance.


Qhadaffi must go.  We will not use military force to remove him.  We're on a humanitarian mission.  One hundred twenty guided missles later, it does not look anything like humanitarian.  Now he's considering arming the rebels, some of whom are Al Quaeda.


I will close Gitmo in the first year.  Two and half years later Gitmo remains.

Oil Drilling

Are you serious?  Following the deep water drilling accident last year the president issued a moratorium on deep water drilling for 6 months.  Yep, still in existance.  He now repeats the idea that we're drilling more.

He loaned Brazil money to drill in the Gulf of Mexico and says the USA wants to be their best customer.  S, do we want to improt less oil of more?  I can't get a feel for his plan.


Focused like a laser beam on creating (or saving) jos.  Unemployment remains around 9% with not nearly enough jobs being created, even if you count government jobs.  This week has said he wakes up in the morning, and goes to bed at night, thinking about jobs.  Really?

This man is the least qualified man to be president - ever.

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