Friday, April 29, 2011

This is Reform?

What length will liberals go to in order to remain in office? Read this column by George Will to learn what Senator Durbin of Illinois wants to do to fund election campaigns.

I also find it quite unsurprising that Durbin would insult Americans by claiing they are incapable of deciding whether of not to check a box, on their IRS form 1040, to opt in or out of giving $3 to the presidential election campaigns.

A telling quote from this column:
"Ironically," Mitchell said, "it is illegal under federal law for a federal contractor — any federal contractor — to make a contribution of his/her personal funds to any federal candidate, PAC or political party." Durbin's bill would change the statute to force federal contractors to finance the campaigns of candidates with whom they might disagree. Yet they still could not contribute voluntarily to those with whom they agree. "How," Mitchell asked, "does that possibly pass constitutional muster?"

George Will

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