Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Congress in Stalemate Over Payroll Tax Cut, Unemployment Checks - HUMAN EVENTS

Congress in Stalemate Over Payroll Tax Cut, Unemployment Checks - HUMAN EVENTS

I really cannot imagine the logic that gets you to a position that republicans are the bad guys in this scenario. The republican majority House of Representatives voted to pass a 12 month extension, and the democrat lead Sentate voted on 2 months worth of the same. The Senate then adjourned for the holidays until January 23.

Members of a professional association that process payroll for employers nationwide have argued the 2 month version present many problems for companies that process their own payroll. The formula for deductions would change after February, which will mean payroll clerks will need to the change their systems, possibly delaying payrol checks to employees. There would also be a significant investment of time and money for those payroll processing companies for making system changes and testing them for accuracy.

President Obama called on the republicans to agree to the shorter term bill passed in the Senate, and then blamed them yet again for not cooperating in the legislative process. Is there a logical bone in Barack's body?

Friday, December 9, 2011

Allen West Apologizes to America For Congressional Failure - HUMAN EVENTS

Allen West Apologizes to America For Congressional Failure - HUMAN EVENTS

Please take 15 minutes to watch this video of Representative Allen West (R-FL) speak on the house floor about what is wrong in America. This is revealing and inspiring.

George Will

George Will

If you are a small government proponent you need to read this piece by George Will. If you are a large government proponent you need to read this piece by George Will.

Two key points made in this article are...

In an economic climate of increasing uncertainties, Puzder says, one certainty is that many businesses now marginally profitable will disappear when Obamacare causes that margin to disappear. A second certainty is that “employers everywhere will be looking to reduce labor content in their business models as Obamacare makes employees unambiguously more expensive.”


Time was, American businesses could surmount such regulatory officiousness. But government’s metabolic urge to boss people around has grown exponentially and today CKE’s California restaurants are governed by 57 categories of regulations.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Obama's Job-Killing Global-Warming Agenda Continues Under the Radar - HUMAN EVENTS

Obama's Job-Killing Global-Warming Agenda Continues Under the Radar - HUMAN EVENTS

Please contact your congressman and/or senators and le tthem know that the EPA is doing an end around them to enact regulations that will do great damage to the economy and the long standing strength of the USA in world affairs.