Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Liberal Misdirection

The US government willingly provides programs for many people to help them when in need.  Some of these programs were designed to lift people out of poverty, but in fact, keep some people in poverty, and dependent on government.  This post to Facebook by the Oklahoma Republican Party highlights the irony two different points of view.

Why is it that people know the animals will stop hunting for food when given food, but cannot understand why humans would not stop looking looking for work when provided a living by government?

To drive this misunderstanding of liberals on this matter, consider the follow up post to Twitter by Patrick Smith @Patrick_Speaks

 Mr Smith wants you to believe the Republicans consider poor people to be the equivalent of animals.  That is not the point and Mr. Smith knows this, yet he misrepresents the meaning to cause you to distrust or dislike republicans.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Removing History

Take Down Jefferson Memorial, Rename DC?

This whole discussion about the Confederate flag is getting way out of hand.  Certainly there should be discussions about racism, but relating racism to the history of slavery in America is misguided.  Here is why.

The flag did not kill anyone.  The flag is a symbol.  Depending on who is asked the symbolism varies, but it is a symbol.

The discussion is still too emotional for many following the mass murder in a Charleston, SC. church.  Calmer heads must prevail when discussing potentially heated topics such as racism.

In an effort to remove a symbol we risk removing our history as well, and that is dangerous.  We have all heard the saying about ignoring history and begin doomed to repeat it.  Removing history removes the lessons learned from it.  Think about your children going to school and not learning about that period of our history. 

Let us not forget that Americans abolished slavery, and were the first people in the world to do so.  In fact, many places around the world still practice slavery.  We have done great things in our short American history, and fighting the Civil War and ending slavery is one of the most important series of events in that history.

Talk about the slippery slope that many people say would never happen, is also misguided.  There are countless examples of asking for an inch and taking a mile.  Where would it end?  The video above shows people think we should rename our nations capital, and tear down memorials for people we no longer think deserving.  No matter how well intentioned, the ends do not justify the means.

Instead of removing anything that offends some person, which would amount to almost everything we have, let's learn form our history and move forward with renewed good will toward all men.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Thoughts on Immigration and American Exceptional-ism

The United States is a nation of immigrants.  Most families can trace their family tree back to someone who came here from somewhere else.  In my case, my great-grandparents immigrated to the USA from Germany in the 1880's.  They were of Dutch descent living in Germany.  They boarded a ship there, and landed in Baltimore harbor, and eventually settled in Kentucky.

Once here, they became Americans.  They assimilated into churches, communities and schools.  They raised families and followed the laws of the land, and they prospered.  As God says, they went forth to be fruitful, and multiplied

Immigrants from many countries did likewise, and the country grew in size, scope, wealth and power to be the greatest country in the history of the world.  We walked and drove cars on the moon, cured diseases, raised billions of people out of poverty, and shared our wealth with the world.  Americans continue to be the overwhelmingly most charitable people in history.

Today these resourceful people who built the nation, freed slaves, fought and won world wars, and accomplished so much, are being replaced by a nation of the aggrieved.  Every little thing, and some larger, seems to find someone claiming offense and demanding retribution.  This is not what America stands for.

Even freed slaves pulled themselves up to become more than chattel, though not without a great struggle.  Descendents of slaves are now captains of industry, leaders of armies, judges, and even the President of the nation.  Hispanics, Asians and Indians are elected office holders, men and women alike.   We have broken so many racial and ethnic barriers to get this far.

It was never without struggle, pain, or risk of life, limb and fortune.  But for those who worked hard and smart, took calculated risks, and succeeded, America benefited.  America became great on the backs of immigrants.

This country should never turn an immigrant away who wants to continue the traditions of American exceptional-ism.  The problem we have is separating those immigrants from another kind that do not want what American stands for.  There are many who will succeed and others who will fail to succeed in this country.  But there are many who will not try, and some who will take advantage.  We must never allow America to suffer because we stop trying, stop caring, and stop risking.