Monday, October 31, 2016

Democrats Made This Stuff Up

    It is often said, "You can't make this stuff up".  In this election year it is heard more frequently than ever as it pertains to the two candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.  There are many reasons why voters may not vote for either candidate in particular, or for any of them in general.  Mrs. Clinton, however, has the most reasons by far, and they are of her own doing.
    Mrs Clinton is a notorious liar.  She has been a proven liar in matters involving the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi on September 11, 2011, and concerning her use of a private email server.
    She has also be involved in many scandals going back to her days as a young attorney, wife of a governor, First Lady of the USA, Secretary of State, and now, nominee for President.  If elected, given her propensity for lying, the lengthy list of scandals would surely continue to grow.
    All of the email related lies and scandal could have been avoided if she had simply followed the law and used a government provided and supported email server.  But even using the private server, she could have avoided this if she had complied with FOIA requests and subpoenas by turning over the server and contents.  Why would you not do those things?   We'll find out what was being hidden from view eventually.  And by the surprising lengths she went to in order to avoid exposure, it is more likely than not criminal in nature, and also likely to place national security at risk.
    I include Democrats in this brew for the following reasons.
    First, the Department of Justice, with AG Loretta Lynch in control, has provided at least an appearance of impropriety, by meeting with former President Clinton, husband of the candidate under investigation at the time.  That meeting at an airport in Arizona raised suspicion since it came shortly before FBI Director Comey presented his case at a press conference.  During the presser he basically indicted Mrs. Clinton for several violations of national security law, then said he would not recommend indictment.  That was a total miscarriage of justice.
    Second, now that another stash of an estimated 650,000 email messages have been found on the personal computer of Clinton aide Huma Abedin, AG Lynch refuses to allow the FBI to read through those and determine if they present any legal problems for the previously closed investigation concerning Mrs. Clinton's email issues.
    Third, many Democrat operatives and politicians are now making the news show circuit to explain away Mrs. Clinton's problems with email in a not so transparent way.  When the FBI Directory told us he would not recommend indictment after providing multiple reasons to indict, these Democrats praised the director and claimed he exonerated her.  Now they are accusing the same director of a political hit job on her.  You can't have it both ways.
    Fourth, the way Democrats join ranks to protect their candidate is especially troubling.  It creates a closed minded, group think, go along to get along, mentality.  It makes one wonder if they all really believe what they are saying, or are they that much afraid to be different and stand on principle.
    While Donald Trump is a flawed candidate personally, he does not present the kind of risk that having Hillary Clinton as our president would.  Neither candidate is especially highly thought of,  but only one carries the scandalous baggage that could truly be harmful to the country.
    You can't make this stuff up.  Can't say that anymore.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Without Evidence

The Left and the Masses: Part I, Part II, Part III
    Dr. Thomas Sowell, PhD. Economics, wrote a series of columns explaining that those on the left claim to have great compassion for the poor and downtrodden, have implemented policies and programs to deal with that, but fail to deliver.  A good summary quote from those columns would be as follows:
"The political left in general has been able to claim that they have more compassion for the less     fortunate, and to depict their opponents as lacking in compassion for others. For none of these assertions have they felt a need to offer hard evidence."
    The left is quick to claim their good intentions as justification fro all sorts of government intervention into our daily lives, but those polices simply fail to deliver on those intentions.  And if you dispute the need for or benefits of such policies and programs, then you are a hater.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Rule of Law Cannot Survive Hillary

Rule of Law Cannot Survive Hillary
    The rule of law no longer exists when people are not held to the law.  When some are and some are not, the rules fail us even more.  Hillary Clinton has demonstrated she is above the law by repeatedly breaking laws, and the people in government responsible for enforcement do nothing.
    Matt Walsh covers this in his article linked above. 

Collusion, Corruption and Lies, Oh My!

    The Democrat National Committee and the Democrat Party have lost it all.  By their unwavering support of Hillary Clinton for President, they have allowed the end to justify the means.
    We have seen all of the following from democrats during this election cycle:
  • Collusion with the press
  • Collusion between super pacs, the DNC, and the Hillary campaign
  • Contracting for violence at Trump political rallies
  • Collusion between the State Department, the Department of Justice, the FBI Director, and the Hillary campaign concerning the investigation of her email server and classified information
  • Lies about the emails
  • Destruction of evidence in that investigation
  • Destruction of documents under subpoena by the US Congress
  • Obfuscation by blaming the revelations in WikiLeaks on the Russians
    It has reached a point of willful ignorance and disbelief, to accept this series of events as anything other than illegal, immoral, unethical and criminal.
    Is this really what Americans want for the next 4 years minimum?  A vote for Hillary will dump this on America and scandal after scandal will ensue. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Hillary Not Qualified to Hold Any Office

    Reading this section 2017(b) of the US Code clearly states that Hillary Clinton is not qualified to hold any office in the United States.  This is because, despite lack of charges being filed against her, she did, or ordered others to, destroy email messages and mobile devices and laptops, which were used while she was the Secretary of State.
    It is rather obvious that Attorney General Lynch and the FBI failed to indict Secretary Clinton in order to keep her campaign for president alive and well.  It was also likely supported by President Obama.  If she were charged, tried and convicted she would forever be ineligible for the office she wanted so badly.  Badly enough to cheat and lie for.
    In case there are doubts about intent to do so, this will assure you of intent.  Legally speaking, proving intent is done using evidence since the accused rarely admits intent.  So ask yourself a couple questions.
  1. Did she accidentally and unintentionally, or purposefully, buy and install an email server in her home?
  2. Did she accidentally and unintentionally, or purposefully, read, write, send and receive email messages, on said server, related to her position as Secretary of State?
  3. Did she accidentally and unintentionally, or purposefully, delete, from said server, official business related email messages?
  4. Did she accidentally and unintentionally, or purposefully, smash and destroy mobile devises used in transacting email messages related to official business?
  5. Can official email message be described as follows:
    ...any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing,...
  6. Can deleting email messages or smashing or destroying those devices be described as follows:
    ...conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys...

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Vote for Trump

    Donald Trump says mean things.  But then, Hillary is a liar and a generally mean person.  So let's let those two things cancel each other out in the discussion of this election, shall we?
    The reasons I will vote for Trump are listed here:
  1. Donald Trump wants to lower my taxes while Hillary Clinton wants to raise them
  2. Trump wants to eliminate regulations to allow businesses to grow.  Hillary wants to keep and/or increase regulations to keep business stagnant.
  3. Trump wants to increase border security to prevent illegal immigration.  Hillary wants open borders.
  4. Trump wants to appoint judges who will honor and respect the constitution.  Hillary wants to change the constitution from the bench by judicial fiat.
  5. Trump will repeal Obamacare.  Hillary will morph Obamacare into a single payer system and destroy healthcare altogether.
  6. Hillary will try to bankrupt gun manufacturers by allowing victims of gun crimes to sue the company that made the gun.  This would be like suing Ford if you're hit by a drunk driver in an Taurus.  Trump would not do that, and he fully supports your constitutional right to bear arms.
  7. Trump may not have any foreign policy experience, but neither did the previous 43 presidents.  Hillary's experience has been dreadfully inept, resulting in what we currently see in the Middle East and with Russia.
    All things being equal in the personality comparison, I prefer the candidate who best represents my thoughts and opinions on the matters above.  I suggest we all get past the bickering on who said what mean things to whom, and look at policy proposals.