Wednesday, December 19, 2012

GM Back, Osama Dead, Costs $8.5B

Government to Sell GM Shares at a Loss's
The federal government invested in GM in order to save the corporate giant from collapse under it's own debt.  GM had been allowed to go bankrupt without actually going to bankruptcy court.  In the deal the USA purchased shares of GM stock in order to infuse cash into the debt ridden enterprise.

President Obama's reelection campaign often used the following phrase to indicate how wonderful his administration had been:  "GM is Back, Osama bin Laden is Dead".

So now we know that trade, saving GM and killing OBL cost $8.5B.  That is how much we lost in the GM venture.  We'll soon enough learn if GM can continue on it's own.

Grossly Inadequate Security, Leadership and Management Failure

Review board raps State Department for poor security in Benghazi - Washington Times

"... “grossly inadequate” security but says that poor leadership could not be punished ..."

"The report blames inadequate security at the mission on “systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels” of State Department headquarters, where officials turned down repeated requests from diplomats on the ground for more security, both at the embassy in Tripoli and in Benghazi."

These quotes are from a report on the internal investigation by the State Department on the events surrounding the killing of a US Ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012.

So we have gross inadequacies, and negligent leadership and management which contributed directly the events of that night, and there is no one to punish?  Is that the kind of government accountability we expect from this administration? 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Facts About Mass Shootings

Facts About Mass Shootings

Lott offers a final damning statistic: “With just one single exception, the attack on congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson in 2011, every public shooting since at least 1950 in the U.S. in which more than three people have been killed has taken place where citizens are not allowed to carry guns.”
I find it mind boggling to think others will claim another law will make people follow the law.  Murder is already illegal.  Guns in schools are already illegal.  Think about that.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

George Will: The real 'cliff' argument

George Will: The real 'cliff' argument

The arguments are many and obvious, so why do the people repeatedly fall for the federal line?

The federal government has a very poor track record picking winners and losers in the market place.  Witness the many 'green industry' investments that have fallen flat.

The federal government is a poor service provider.  The repeatedly run over budget, call a small budget increase an actual budget cut versus a larger increase, and have great trouble executing policies in an efficient manner.

The federal government does not understand what it takes to make business thrive.  They add more and more regulations daily, and each of those regulations adds costs and other impediments to business success.

The elected officials repeatedly lie by omission when talking to the press and to the public.  They are proficient at speaking for long periods while never coming close to answering the actual question posed.

These same officials lie by commission when they tell us, for example, that social security does not add to the deficit, or that it is financially stable for years to come.

We need to demand more from our government, and I don't mean more handouts or stimulus.  They best thing government can do for our economy is get the heck out of the way.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

U.S. appeals court strikes down state's concealed-carry ban

U.S. appeals court strikes down state's concealed-carry ban

Chicago Has the Highest Murder Rate in the US

OK, let me try to summarize this issue for you.

Before the state of Illinois instituted a ban on carry conceal, they already had the highest murder rate.  In fact, Chicago had the most strict hand gun ownership laws, along with Washington DC, and still had the highest murder rate in the US.  So laws restricting ownership and carry conceal did not prevent murders by gun.

In fact, Christian Fenger Academy, a public school in Chicago, had 218 students shot during a single school year, and 27 of those shootings resulted in death.  This was after the federal government gave a $500,000 grant to the school to promote non-violence.  Imagine that, getting a half-million dollars in grant money to promote non-violence, and still 218 students in a single school get shot within a year.

So now those who oppose guns think you can throw money at a problem to make it disappear.  Incidentally, they do the same with schools in general, and still they get lousy scores, low graduation rates, and more drop outs.  Logic would dictate a change in strategy.

Knowing this information about shootings in Chicago, House Majority Leader, Barbara Flynn Curry, plans to appeal the court decision on carry-conceal in Illinois.  Currie, D-Chicago, said that “justices surely do not mean that we would have to have wide-open” laws in Illinois. She said Illinois must now look at what other states are doing, such as disallowing guns in day-care centers and other locations.  “If we need to change the law, let us at least craft a law that is very severely constrained and narrowly tailored so that we don’t invite guns out of control on each of our city’s streets,” Currie said. “I don’t want people out of control wandering the streets with guns that are out of control.”

Apparently, Ms. Curry is not paying attention to what is already happening on the streets.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Nothing sound about EPA science - HUMAN EVENTS

Nothing sound about EPA science - HUMAN EVENTS

The basis of all scientific discovery is through the many iterations of these -- theorize, test, and analyze. Politics and personal bias should never be considered in that process. The minute those things enter the process is the precise minute scientific discovery is stopped. Whether we're talking about global warming or air and water pollution, political biases should never enter into the equation.

Learn from the Past? You've got to be kidding me, right?

Learn from the past: Get spending cuts first

According to the former chair of Obama’s own Council of Economic Advisers, Christina Romer, the tax increase proposed by President Obama will decrease GDP, while extending the Bush tax cuts will do the opposite.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tax the rich. What will it get us?

How far will taxing the rich move us ahead?

The key quote from this column, in my mind, is this:

The fact of the matter is there are not enough rich people to come anywhere close to satisfying Congress' voracious spending appetite. The true tragedy for our future is that there are millions of uninformed Americans who will buy the political demagoguery and treachery that our problems can be solved by taxing the rich.

If you read this cloumn you will see that taxing the rich does not get nearly enough money in revenue to help us anymore than a few months.  Williams states taht this leves future generations in dire straits, and does not solve the immediate or long term deficit/debt issue.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thomas Sowell Agrees

An Overdue Book, by Thomas Sowell, PhD. Economics

In this column Thomas Sowell argues that Stephen Moore's work is correct based on historical fact and evidence.  So why do so many people claim raising taxes will have a positive effect on the deficit?  Could it be that they have ulterior motives to punish rich people?  If so, why would they choose that path?  Is that someone you would want to vote for?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Why Lower Tax Rates are Good for Everyone

Why Lower Tax Rates are Good for Everyone

Finally, someone is writing about something that should be common knowledge.  Lower tax rates result in higher tax revenue to the government due to the creation of more taxable wealth by more people.  It has been proven time and time again over the last 100 years. 

So why do democrats keep seeking higher rates?  They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Losing your freedom to democrats

Leahy Senate Bill provides for Federal e-mail, Facebook and Twitter access without search warrant

This law would give access to your online activity and data to 22 federal agencies, and no search warrant will be needed.  This is exactly what conservatives and libertarians are talking about when they say we are losing liberty. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Killing the Goose?

Have unions outlived their own usefulness?  Back when unions were fighting for fair labor practices you could argue they served great purpose.  Since most labor laws have been in place there really is little use for labor unions any longer.  Thomas Sowell argues they killed their own goose that laid golden eggs, by pricing themselves out of business, driving workers into vote down unionizing efforts. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

George Will: Answerable to no one

George Will: Answerable to no one

And some people wonder why conservatvies and Tea Party members think the answers do not lie ingovernment beauracracy.  The Dod-Frank law creates a monster of a government beauracracy, and gives that organization unchecked powers.  This column by George Will describes exactly what this entails.  This is the kind of government authority that cuts into your personal freedom and liberty.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations

The president takes an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, and President Obama has repeatedly violated that oath.  Despite these violations, he was re-elected, although by a smaller margin than his election in 2008.   One thing that makes America the greatest nation in history is the rule of law.  Rule of law is now meaningless as our elected leader freely and willingly ignores the document which is the basis of our existence.

Shame on you Obama voters, for not paying attention to your elected officials.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Cost of College, Who's to Blame and How to Lower it

Nearly all politicians and many pundits have been repeatedly telling Americans that a college education is necessary for nearly all people, and should be affordable.  Some even claim it should be a right and free to the student.  I've linked a couple of articles here to provide information about why tuition is so high, and what could be done about it.

Student debt: What's been driving college costs so high, anyway?

Colleges are not responsible to the student for the cost of tuition.  They are far more interested in sports arenas and stadiums, faculty salaries, and how much money in donations from alumni and local business community.  The demands of raising the university's status and rankings that will lead to higher enrollments and higher income is the goal.  Education for the dollar is less important, though often spoken.

Students and their families are forced to borrow more and more to achieve the stated goal since costs are soaring.  The costs are soaring due to higher demands by all parties involved.  Faculty and staff want higher salaries and benefits.  Alumni want bigger stadiums.  Students want better dorms and facilities.  Administrators want more money in the endowment funds.  Costs go up and students pay. 

And is the quality of the education incrementally better?  Hardly.  There are many studies that conclude students entering college are less prepared, and therefore programs need to be adjusted down in order to meet the ability of the students.

Equity Model for Affording College

Currently there is the cash model, in which the student pays for college as they go.  There is the debt model which leads to higher loans and debt to be repaid after graduation, job or not.  Now there is the equity model.

In the equity model a college or university would claim a percent of the graduates' salaries for a fixed number of years into their careers.  An example would be to pay the university 5% of your annual salary for 15 years.  The formula could change or even be negotiable based on the specific university, student and intended career path.

Under this method the university has a vested interest in both keeping costs lower, and better preparing students for their careers.

Friday, November 9, 2012

PICKET: Companies plan massive layoffs as Obamacare becomes reality - Washington Times

PICKET: Companies plan massive layoffs as Obamacare becomes reality - Washington Times

Then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi made the famous statement "You'll have to pass the law to find out what's in it".  Well, some companies are now finding out what is in it, and reacting accordingly.  As many opined, this health care legislation would result in jobs lost, higher taxes, and a slower economy.  Boom!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Open Letter to President Obama

Mr. President,

Congratulations on your re-election.  But before you get comfortable with another term, hear me out.

I believe your fundamental changing of America is not a good thing for us.  I believe you are a socialist under the covers, and your policies will do more harm than good.

I believe that capitalism is a good thing, and the profit motive is what made this country great.  Some call it greed, but the profit motive drives people to invent, innovate and succeed, even after failures.  I do not think you believe that is a good thing, and you want to change it. 

I believe that high tax rates do not result in greater tax revenue.  In fact, it has been proven otherwise during the Hoover, FDR, JFK, Reagan, Clinton and GWB administrations.  Raising taxes has the unintended consequence of forcing people and businesses to alter there investment behaviors, moving investment money to tax free shelters which do not promote profit and growth, or to other countries with more friendly tax structures.  This is the opposite of your policies which are more Keynesian.

I believe in peace through strength, and America being the greatest nation on Earth.  I do not think you believe the same, and I think you believe in peace through appeasement.  Libya should be proof of your error. 

I do not believe in redistribution of wealth.  I do believe in wealth creation.  See 'capitalism' above.  Capitalism has raised countless more people from poverty than charity has.  And as Margaret Thatcher so famously said, ' The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people's money".  We should, as the Bible states, teach men to fish, and let him eat for a lifetime.

I do believe in protecting the environment, but I do not believe in global warming theories put forth by the likes of Al Gore and you.  I think we can have a clean environment and burn fossil fuels, until we can find the next source of energy that provide more optimal utilization of our resources.  Spending borrowed money to invest in your idea of worthy causes is not why you were elected.  That is the role of private enterprise.  

I believe our debt is crippling our country, and I believe you are greatly responsible for much of it.  We must cut borrowing and spending, and allow the deficit to reduce itself as we do so, along with the anticipated rise in revenues from lower taxes and less regulation leading to more wealth production in the private sector.

I do not believe that since you are the president that people must give up their personal and political beliefs.  Do not tell members of the congress that you reach across the aisle when in fact you have not.  You failed to listen to opposing points of view on health care, and your suggested transparency of governing is akin to the Wizard of Oz's.

I believe that market principles must be allowed to work their wealth creating magic in the health care field.  Socialized medicine is where you are taking us, and it will destroy the high quality of medical innovations and shorten our life expectancy, by removing the doctors and hospitals from the decision making process.  Bureaucrats making health choice decisions is a very bad idea, and can lead to horrifying results.

I believe that you and  members of your administration are not performing with high integrity, are lying or covering up scandals, and are people who do not appreciate the US Constitution as a document which should be protected and defended, as your collective oath states.  Laws are to equally applied to all, including health care and immigration.  Certain groups of people should not be exempted from parts of the law your do not agree with.  Providing illegal aliens with benefits established for citizens is one example.  Another is the waving of pieces of the new health care legislation for some businesses.

I also believe that the mandates for providing birth control, abortions and abortofacients by people who have religious objections is unconstitutional and you directly violate that document which you swore to uphold.

I will, from time to time, state my opinion on such matters in the future, in the hopes of changing minds and votes.  I will use my freedom of speech to make sure my vision of America is realized, because I believe my vision is right.

Richard J Scheper
Newport, KY, USA

Friday, November 2, 2012

Voter fraud is no myth -- it's more common than you think - Conservative News

Voter fraud is no myth -- it's more common than you think - Conservative News

Requiring voter ID is not racist or suppressing voters.  It is common sense.  For a country with all the technical means we have available for the common citizen, we should be able to develop a single voting system used nationwide that leads to one person one vote.

Friday, October 19, 2012

More Picking of Losers

DOE Failed Investments in Green Companies

The federal government should not be involved in investing in the market.  Leave that to venture capitalists, that is  what they are experts in doing.  Markets should not be manipulated by a government trying to force open a market for what it considers important, namely green jobs.

Markets are highly complex, and managed by individuals and companies making decisions on how and where to spend or invest their money.  It is efficient because it is based on choice.  When the government takes my money in the form of taxes, and spends it not how I would, but how they prefer I would, that is inefficient.

This list of failed investments is evidence of that.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Top 10 examples of media malpractice - Conservative News, Views & Books

Top 10 examples of media malpractice - Conservative News, Views & Books

The reason our press has the freedom it does, according to the Constitution, is to allow them to maintain a check on the government, and report activities accurately to the voting public.  If the press forgoes this vital function, what purpose do they then server?  Does the term 'propoganda' mean anything?

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Taxes, Spending and Growth

Everyone who hears politicians talk about "revenue" know they are talking about raising tax rates.  It is a common misconception that raising tax rates will result in raising tax revenue.  This concept has been proven incorrect multiple times.

Secretary of Treasury Andrew Mellon proved this first in the 1920's, when he fought successfully to lower tax rates to encourage investment in something other than tax exempt securities.  Investors made more money, business expanded, more people made more personal income, and tax revenue increased.

This same formula was used by presidents Kennedy (1960's), Reagan (1980's) and G.W. Bush (2000's).  I find it incredibly dishonest for democrat politicians to continually repeat the opposite is true, that tax cuts result in less revenue.

Here is a paper that deserves your attention in advance of voting.  If anything, read this and compare what your elected officials are saying about tax policy.

Trickle Down Theory & Tax Cuts for the Rich  PDF

Obama appoints wife of Univision owner to UN diplomatic post

Obama appoints wife of Univision owner to UN diplomatic post - Nation -

President Obama appinted the wife of billionaier owner of Univision to a post at the United Nations.Is this a purely political move in terms of placing the owner of the network whose reporteers grilled the presidetn on Fast & Furious?  Is this an attempt to reward a democratic contributor by appointing her to this post?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bain v Obama

Here is a partial list of successful companies that Bain Capital has invested in:
Bain Portfolio

AMC Entertainment
Burlington Coat Factory
Clear Channel Communications
Dunkin' Brands (Dunkin' Donuts & Baskin Robbins)
Guitar Center
The Weather Channel
Toys R Us

Here is a partial list of companies President Obama has invested US tax dollars in:
Forget Bain

Raser Technologies - $33M - filed bankruptcy
ECOtality - $126M - Losses piling up, may never make money
Nevada Geothermal Power - $98.5M - may never make money
First Solar - $3B - fired 30% of work force
Beacon Power - $43M - dismal outlook
SunPower - $1.2B - owes more than it's worth
Solyndra - $535B - bankrupt

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Obama Versus Obama

Dr. Thomas Sowell, PhD Economics, authored the following three columns which offers analysis of the self proclaimed image of Barack Obama versus the President Obama we can see every day.  This answers the question, does Obama walk the talk?

Obama v Obama 
Obama v Obama Part II
Obama v Obama Part III
Obama v Obama Part IV (updated 10-2-2012)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Obama's tactical success but strategic failure - Conservative News

Obama's tactical success but strategic failure - Conservative News

If you buy into the curretn set of political polls and mainstream media assertions about Barack Obama;s foreign affairs success, think agian.  Read this detailed account of multiple failures, failures that border on anti-American sentiment.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bolton: America needs stronger defense than what Obama has shown - Conservative News

Bolton: America needs stronger defense than what Obama has shown - Conservative News

I saw John Bolton interviewed on FoxNews last week, and his comments were enlightening to me.  When asked about the US policy toward the middle east and Islamic radicals, he gave four points we need to focus on.

1.  We need to protect and maintain our relationship with Israel.
2.  We need to maintain relationships with oil producing countries, because that oil does have significant impact on the global economy.
3.  We need to maintain global economic relationships to promote foreign trade with all countries.
4.  We need to search out and destroy terrorists.

These four points are reasons why America must remain active in the middle east.  These four points are in the interest of the US and always will be.  We need not apologize for these truths.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Oxymoron: Government Stimulus

Bush 43 tax rebate of $600 per individual
Stimulus I
Stimulus II
Hundreds of billions of dollars in bailouts for banks and auto companies
Cash for Clunkers
Cash for Caulkers
Hundreds of billions in loan garentees to bankrupt "green" companies
Quantative Easing I, II and now III
>$1T defecit per year for 3 years
Tax credits for buying electric cars

Unemployment above 8% for 43 straight months
Median household income down $4,000 in 3 years
Gasoline prices doubled in 3 years
Mortgage foreclosures

So tell me, where is the stimulus to the economy?

Friday, September 14, 2012

Is Anyone Concerned?

Not only were four Americans killed, including our ambassador to Lybia, but secure documents were stolen.  These documents apparently include names of people, Americans agents and Lybian informants, and secure locations where they operate. 

Now we learned that two days prior, our intelligence organization had intel on the events that occured on September 11, shared that information with the Obama administration, and they sat on it.  Link

The events of this week are complex and the timeline keeps changing based on new information coming public as news organziations begin to investigate.  It is also becoming clear that this adminsitration does not know what to do next, or how to proceed.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Tough Day

Las Vegas Review-Journal News Video

So Mr. President, you think the death of a US Ambassador and three other Americans is a "tough day"?  On a day when an embassy in Cairo and a US Consolate were atackced by mobs on the anniversary of the terror attacks of September 11.2001, and deaths of four people serving our country at one of those locations, you describe it as a "tough day"?

Can you please explain why you attended this campaign event on September 12, 2012, when you did not attent your daily security briefing?  In fact, you have only attended about 40% of these daily breifings since you were sworn to protect and defend this country.

Note that this is supposed to be a nes organization, the Las Vegas Review-Journal, but this video looks and sounds more like a campaign ad than a news story.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Under Obama, 11,327 Pages of Federal Regulations Added

Under Obama, 11,327 Pages of Federal Regulations Added |

And people wonder how regulations impact business.  Navigating this maze of paperwork is a monumental task for a business owner.  This also has a greater impact on smaller businesses, which do not have enough staff to deal with just regulatory issues.  Large corporations have in house lawyers, tax specialists, and more, with specific duties pertaining to these regulations.  Small businesses have to deal with regulations in the after business hours, or pay a contractor to do it for them.

In 2008 this cost of regulation to businesses was estimated at $1.7T.  Four years later the cost can only be significantly higher.  Is it any wonder Republicans want to reduce regulations and their impact on business and the economy?  Democrats want you to believe that regulations prevent anything bad from happening.  Actually, they prevent business from happening.

Monday, September 10, 2012

GM Is Still Bankrupt

The Democrats GM Fiction

The bottom line: 
The GM bailout was a bad deal for GM’s creditors, for U.S. taxpayers, and, in the long run, for the U.S. automobile industry and our overall national competitiveness. No wonder the Democrats are campaigning on a fictionalized account of it.

Friday, September 7, 2012

American Auto Industry Saved?

Barack Obama wants American voters to think he alone saved GM and Chrysler.  Facts most people do not know:

1.  George W Bush bailed out Chrysler and GM with $17B before Obama took office.  Obama then added another $60B on top of that.
2.  GM is now partly owned by the UAW and the US government.
3.  Chrysler bond holders were not allowed to get a share of the new corporation, and lost every cent they had invested in Chrysler.  Their share of the old Chrysler is now owned, at least in part, by the UAW.
4.  Chrysler is not an Italian owned corporation, owned by Fiat.
5.  Ford accepted $0 in bailout money and they are now successful.
6.  The bailout was a type of managed bankruptcy without actually going through bankruptcy court.  So when Mitt Romney says the companies should have been allowed to go bankrupt, he is actually right.  They did, but by going through the Oval Office instead of federal courts.

So what exactly did we get for $77B in auto bailout money?

Unemployment Rate is a Meaningless Number

Record 88,921,000 Americans ‘Not in Labor Force’—119,000 Fewer Employed in August Than July |

It's official, the unemployment rate is a meaningless number.  Here's how you know that is true.

In July the rate was said to be 8.3%, and in August it was 8.1%
But in July there were 155,013,000 people employed, while in August that number dropped to 154,645,000.  So how can the unemployment rate go down, when the number of employed goes down, and the population grows?  Answer is, it can't.  UNless you play games with the numbers, and how you classify employed people and unemployed people.

Also, note that the economy supposedly added 96,000 jobs, but the number of employed people went down.  Go figure.  No seriously, go figure that out for me.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

DNC Sounds

In the DNC speeches we've heard the following:

Republicans would turn a pregnant woman in labor away from an ER where she would supposedly demand an abortion.
Mitt Romney wants to end basic women's helath services.
Paying you fair share of taxes is patriotic.
Romney & Ryan want to turn your health care over to insurance companies.

What he have not heard:

Obama cut the deficit in half as he promised.
The oceans are lower because of Obama.
The planet has healed because of Obama.
The green economy is booming.
Unemployment never went above 8%.
Household income is up 8%.
You can keep your doctor.  Oh wait, they lied and did say that at the DNC.

How do democrats expect to be taken seriously?

Clinton rejects Obamanomics, embraces Reaganomics - Conservative News

Clinton rejects Obamanomics, embraces Reaganomics - Conservative News

So, Bill Clinton was a follower of Reaganomics?  Really!   Clinton...

abandoned Hillary-care
lower capital gains tax rate from 28% to 20%
passed Welfare Reform initiated by Republicans
lower estate tax rates
lowered spending
succeeded in working across the aisle with Newt Gingrich and a Republican majority ion the House

As a result, tax revenues collected by the IRS soared, and the budget balanced, then created a surplus.  Entitlement spending went down as a result of expanding economy and no national healthcare law.

Does that sound like Barack Obama? 

Friday, August 31, 2012

Thoughts on the Republican National Convention

I watched much of the FoxNews feed of the RNC, and a couple times I switched over to MSNBC just to see what I might miss.

First, I thought the Republicans focused on all the right things during their speeches.  They took the high road by focusing on the issues and values and not getting muddy with jabs at the Democrats or President Obama.  Not that they were not mentioned, because they were.  But the content was focused on what makes the difference between the two parties, and not name calling or mud slinging.

The memorable speeches for me were Chris Christie, Condoleeza Rice, and Marco Rubio.  They were inspirational speeches.  Condi was by far the best.  Mitt Romney's speech was very presidential, though not terribly emotional or stem winding.  But that is what he needed to do in my opinion.

As for Clint Eastwood's presentation, (it can hardly be called a speech) he left something to be desired.  While he did deliver some great lines, he looked and sounded old and tired in his delivery.   But I do hope President Obama 'makes his day'.

While watching FoxNews I was impressed with the tone of the comments about how various speakers performed.  Agree or not, the commentators were professional and courteous while making their judgements.

I only wish MSNBC could be even half as much so.  They were obviously biased against most speakers, and their comments sounded more childish and petty, and less professional.  I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why Al Sharpton has his job on that network. 

Granted, I am a conservative, and regular FoxNews viewer, but I think my assessment is fair.  Fox's commentators are mostly conservative, but they manage to disguise it well enough to sound legitimate and fair minded when discussing the topic dujor.  MSNBC however, sounds like the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.

I can;t wait to watch the DNC on Charlotte so I can compare and contrast the delivery of the party message.  I am curious to know if the democrats will stay on message, or if they will sling mud and call their opponents names.

Game on, as they say.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

George Will: Why government needs a diet: Paternalistic anti-obesity laws don't work

George Will: Why government needs a diet: Paternalistic anti-obesity laws don't work

So let's understand what this means.  Certain government agencies are funding efforts in cities across the country to campaign for implementation of taxes on sweetened beverages.  This means the government is now funding campaigns to raise revenues for itself.  Is that what we want form our government?  I think not.

This is an example of the "carrot and stick" theory, which induces the public to change their behaviors and hurt legal businesses.  This is not and should not be any task the government has in it's short list of things it is requried to do by our Constitution.

Friday, August 10, 2012

George Will: A Golden State train wreck

George Will: A Golden State train wreck

California:  A nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.  This column points out the following:

The high-speed, electric, bullet train is none of the above.  It's not high-speed, nor electric, not bullet.  It is 19th century technology with a 22nd century price tag.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Liberals, Progressives and Socialists by Walter E. Williams

Liberals, Progressives and Socialists by Walter E. Williams

One does not have to be in favor of death camps or wars of conquest to be a tyrant. The only requirement is that one has to believe in the primacy of the state over individual rights.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

George Will: In the company of Madison - Conservative News

George Will: In the company of Madison - Conservative News

The Tea Party is not about political power, but about preserving the constitution, even if that means losing elections.  That is something to be commended.

Monday, July 30, 2012

George Will: Leviathan on the loose

George Will: Leviathan on the loose

And some people wonder why many want to keep their guns.  With this kind of government action against otherwise law abiding citizens, it's no wonder people worry about the slippery slope to tyranny.

Is there anything more tyrannical than these actions of government officials and prosecutors?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Thoughts of the Day

There are too many people who get involved in politics based on a single issue.  See the big picture people.

There are too many career politicians.  The founding fathers did not intend for citizens to spend their lives in office.  Get a real job.

Term limits should be imposed by voters, not laws.

For some there is only black and white, no gray.  Life is mostly gray.

I believe there should be a test to pass before voting in elections.  There are too many voters who know not what they vote for, nor why.

To fix all that ails our education system we all need to put the students first.  Parents especially.

Throwing more money at education is certainly not the answer.  Catholic schools perform better across the board than public schools with much less money and lower teacher salaries.  We need to learn from that.

We put too much emphasis on halls of fame.  There are many famous people not in any hall of fame, and for many reasons.

Look around and try to learn from the mistakes of others.  You know there are a lot of examples to learn from out there.

I wish reporters and commentators would ask politicians the next question.  They are content to let politicians talk without answering questions, and accept that.

In physics there is a law that states for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.  In life this mean actions have consequences.  I wish people who act would take responsibility for the consequences of those actions.

Suing Warner Brothers over the Colorado theatre shootings is misguided.

Judges who allow lawsuits to go forward when they are obviously unwarranted, do no favors to society.  Frivolous lawsuits deserve to be thrown out. 

President Obama says AK-47's should not be in the hands of criminals.  Do you think anyone disagrees with that?  Not even the NRA disputes that position.  The president is setting up straw man arguments to which there is no disagreement.

Andrew Puzder: Mitt Romney's approach would differ greatly from Obama's failed vision

Andrew Puzder: Mitt Romney's approach would differ greatly from Obama's failed vision

A very straight forward, easy to understand, well written piece.  This short column will help anyone understand the difference between President Obama nd Mitt Romney, and their approaches to dealing with this economy.

Condi Rice Op/Ed

Condi Rice Cannot Hold It Any Longer

America is special because we believe in free people and free markets.  Condi says it best in this op/ed.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

McConnell: as Taxmageddon approaches, Democrats are out of ideas

McConnell: as Taxmageddon approaches, Democrats are out of ideas

Senator Harry Reid may very well be the most worthless majority leader ever.  When President Obama proposes something many people dsiagree with, Reid will not permit a vote on the subject on the Senate floor, because he knows even the democrats don't support what the president says he wants.

The real problem is that Reid is not a leader and would rather talk about Olympic uniforms made in China than the $16 Trillion debt we face.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Breakdown of the Family Unit

Two Classes Divided by "I Do"

This article describes why it is better to get through school, get married, then have children, in that order.  A telling quote from this article is:

But striking changes in family structure have also broadened income gaps and posed new barriers to upward mobility. College-educated Americans like the Faulkners are increasingly likely to marry one another, compounding their growing advantages in pay. Less-educated women like Ms. Schairer, who left college without finishing her degree, are growing less likely to marry at all, raising children on pinched paychecks that come in ones, not twos.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ann Coulter: Democrat ideal voter: Illegal alien, convicted felon

Ann Coulter: Democrat ideal voter: Illegal alien, convicted felon

Some say the downfall of American spociety came with air conditioning in the home.  Others say it was the breakdown of the family unit.  This column by Ann points out that democrats are responsible for the family unit collapse.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Harsanyi: Ernst & Young study: Tax hikes on wealthy are a job killer

Harsanyi: Ernst & Young study: Tax hikes on wealthy are a job killer

What are the chances this report gets any play in the media other than on talk radio, Fox News and Fox Business?  Please share this with your friends and let them know that tax rates and tax revenue do not go up and down together.  Also let them know that choices have consequences.

President Obama and democrats want to raise taxes in the interest of fairness, with total disregard to the consequences of doing so.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bill O'Reilly: The ghost of Ronald Reagan

Bill O'Reilly: The ghost of Ronald Reagan

I sincerely wish more Americans knew the difference between tax rates and tax revenue.  The two do not necessarily move in the same direction.  Andrew Mellon proved this in the 1920's and it was also demonstrated by Presidents Kennedy, Reagan and Bush 43.

Wealthy people, who President Obama wants to tax at a higher rate, will change their behaviors, and move money to tax exempt holdings, thereby reducing the income that the IRS collects.  They will put their money into investments that are taxed at a lower rate, or not at all.  And that hurts the eeconomy as a whole.  We need to induce them to invest in business and high earning opportunities that benefit the economy and increas tax revenues.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Hostage Holding

Remember when it was so terrible for Republicans to hold America hostage over the debt ceiling debate? Why then it is okay for democrats to hold America hostage over tax increases?

Obama campaign accuses Romney of felony crimes

Obama campaign accuses Romney of felony crimes

So if Obama can blame George W. Bush for all things that are wrong today, then it makes perfect sense he can blame Mitt Romney for things may or may not have occured at Bain after 1999.  Fact checkers be damned.

Monday, June 25, 2012

George Will: The LOST sinkhole: A treaty that supersedes U.S. law

George Will: The LOST sinkhole: A treaty that supersedes U.S. law

Do the benefits outweight the  costs?  LOST would result in US investors losign money to the UN and other nations because they believe that sea exploration is not to be exploited by any one nation.  I say, if you don't like it, then develop the sea for yourselves.

Vote no on this treaty.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Republican Way: Steal from the Poor, Give To The Rich

The Republican Way: Steal from the Poor, Give To The Rich

So what do the poor in America have that the rich are in need of, and willing to steal?  Think about your answer for a short while.  This is simply a talking point that democrats and liberals use to frighten voters of lower income.

In the video posted in the above article there is discussion about oil company subsidies.  Actually the federal government does not directly pay subsidies to oil companies.  What is called a subsidy in this context is actually a tax deduction that "all" manufacturing firms can take for investigating in equipment used in the production process of any company, including P&G, Ford, GE, or any other company in a manufacturing business.

In order to incentivize reinvestment of profits into manufacturing, the government allows any company to deduct a portion of the dollars invested from their taxes.  Big oil is not doing anything that any other company is not permitted to do in this regard.

Do you think most voters know and understand this?  Of course not.  Because most voters do not read and investigate claims made by politicians in the public debate.  They hear sound bites which are made to convince them to vote a particular way.

Did you know that the state and federal governments take more money from the sale of a gallon of gasoline than the oil companies that produce it do?  Big oil companies make less than $0.07 per gallon of gasoline profits, and the taxes on a gallon are approximately $0.48.  Does anyone tell you this?  And the amount of tax deductions big oil takes for manufacturing is less than the federal government spends in a few hours each day of the year.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Nobody Asked Me

Nobody asked me how to solve the cost of health care and health insurance, but I have an answer.

Employers lobbied congress during the depression to provide health insurance as an employee benefit because they could not offer pay increases due to wage controls. Congress authorized employers to take tax deductions for providing employee health care plans. And so, many employers continue to this date to provide health care insurance to their employees and take a tax deduction for doing so. If your employer provides health care insurance you probably are grateful for it, utilize it, and are generally happy for it, though your share of the cost has increased over time. Your boss still takes a tax deduction for his share of the cost, but you cannot do so.

Under this model the cost of providing health and medical care to people is not paid for by the recipients of the services. Generally speaking, when the recipient of products and services is also paying for it, costs for those products and services is lower. This is because the payor demands more for his money, and is more thoughtful and cautious when making spending decisions. When a third party pays for services, the recipient does not care how much it costs.

Ask yourself, when someone buys you dinner do you eat the higher priced menu items? If some pays for your vacation, do you spend their money with the same degree of caution your would your own, or do you simply care less?

Congress should pass a law that provides for the following. First, stop authorizing this type of employer paid benefit plan and remove the tax deduction for it. Second, pass along the savings to the employer directly to employee pay checks. Third, allow individuals to shop for health insurance the same way they do car, home and life insurance.

If you go to the doctor under the current model, and he tells you you need a test or procedure, you simply schedule it and someone else pays for it. If you are told to get an MRI on your knee, do you call around and ask what various providers charge for an MRI? Or do you go to the provider your doctor tells you to go to? If you wreck your car, you get three bids and decide which shop will perform the repairs. Why? Because you will be paying your car insurance bill, and the rate is set by the cost of repairing your car.

The cost of health care will eventually go down because patients will have more control over the amount and type of care they receive and pay for.  When it comes out of your pocket, you're more concerned about how and how much gets spent.

The suggestion I make for purchasing health insurance is to let people buy their own, set their own limits, deductibles and schedules of what gets paid, and let them pay the related premium and take a certain level of risk they are willing to take.  That works very well to control costs, but some who are hit with that catastrophy won't have a policy to cover it.

If that catastrophy happens there are choices to be made.  As a matter of policy we must be willing to make hard choices.  Those include, allowing service providers to provide the service at reduced pricing or free of charge, or rejecting services or requests for service.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Law Student Demands Free Contraceptives

Ms. Sandra Fluke made statements in Washington DC concerning her use of contraceptives, and the need for Georgetown University to pay for her contraceptives. Rush Limbaugh called her a slut, and then apologized for the comment. Ms. Fluke wants Limbaugh fired, even though he is self employed. I guess he is to fire himself. She claims his comments are tantamount to violence against women. His show is produced by him and syndicated. It has the largest listening audience of any radio program in the USA. Recent decisions by HHS Secretary Sebelius mandate Catholic institutions, of which Georgetown University is one, must cover, with no co-pay, contraceptives. This violated church teachings which were clearly stated in Pope Paul VI Humanae Vitae, 1968, that artificial birth control is both unnatural and immoral. Ms. Fluke claims to spend $3000 annually on birth control. For the life of me I cannot comprehend why anyone other than her should pay for her conception-free sex life. So, even though Ms. Fluke is not an employee of GU, but a student, this catholic institution should violate catholic beliefs and provide her with contraceptives. So much for the first amendment of the US Constitution which garentees freedom of religion.

Friday, February 17, 2012

98% of Catholic Women Use Contraception. Really?

Actually this is not quite true as evidenced by the actual report from the Guttenmacher Institute. Guttennacher released a report in April 2011, on findings of a survey regarding use of contraception among women of Christian religions, including Catholics. If you pay attention to the debate over President Obama's ruling on religious organizations providing contraceptive care to employees, you would have heard that 98% of catholic women use contraception other than natural family planning.

This blog post refutes that report and provides insight into just how Guttenmacher came to their conclusion.

Here is a brief summary of how Guttenmaher set up the survey to scew the data.

1) They didn’t count anyone that wasn’t a Catholic woman between the ages of 15-44. Obviously, that eliminates everyone that might be too old or too young to be having sex. But, it also eliminates tens of millions of people who are not too old to be having sex.

2) They didn’t count anyone who was pregnant. Obviously, the vast majority of these people were not using contraception.

3) They didn’t count anyone who just gave birth. Obviously, the vast majority of these people were not using contraception.

4) They didn’t count anyone who hadn’t had sex in the last three months. No, this doesn’t just eliminate ugly people. It eliminates every non-married person who is listening to the Catholic church enough to not have sex outside of marriage. In other words, the most likely group to be listening to the Catholic church about contraception.

5) They didn’t count anyone who was trying to get pregnant, or was indifferent to becoming pregnant. In other words, they eliminated the single most likely group to avoid contraception.

6) They didn’t count anyone who was having sex, trying to avoid pregnancy, but also not using a specific contraception method. I guess this would be the good ol’ “pull-n-pray”—which, incidentally–isn’t as religious as it sounds.

7) Two out of every five women in the survey were so incredibly Catholic that they either attended church services “less than once a month” or “never.” Never?

To summarize:

The study asked a bunch of Catholic women who are both 1) regularly having sex and 2) trying not to get pregnant, whether they’re using contraception. How did you not get 100% on that question? I mean—what are your other options in that situation? Specifically searching out people who are medically sterile? Buying the Cialis mailing list and trying to find guys with ED? Punching dudes in the groin before you hook up?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A failure of imagination put Metro on wrong track - HUMAN EVENTS

A failure of imagination put Metro on wrong track - HUMAN EVENTS

Cincinnati's street car planners should read this article and hoepfully make chanes to existing plans. I doubt they have considered the points Mr. Barone raised.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Far too long - HUMAN EVENTS

Far too long - HUMAN EVENTS

April 29, 2009 was the date the last budget was passed by Congress. From April 2009 until January 2011 the Democrats had control of both houses and the presidency, and still no budget was passed. Yet we've heard time and again from our president about the do nothing congress, and the republicans being the party of no.

In February 2011 the newly elected republican majority in the house passed a budget. It was promptly rejected by the senate. President Obama submitted a budget also, which was voted on by the senate and was rejected 97-0.

So why does no one point out the do nothing democrat senate?

George Will: Making states cry uncle

George Will: Making states cry uncle

Mr. Will lays out the case for why Obamacare should be declared unconstitutional.