Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Is It Time to Outlaw Crowbars?

I heard a news report about a crime committed with a crowbar, and thought, based on the logic of gun control advocates, we should now ban crowbars.  I did a Google search and found the above crowbar crime stories.

Silence is Deafening, Regarding Sen. Menendez Sex Scandal

Read Article Here

The silence is deafening.  If this man were a Republican, the left would be screaming about how terrible this is, and how he should resign.  But he is a democrat.   You might say that is an easy and unproven theory.  But when a Republican finds himself in political hot water, there is never a microphone close enough to the liberals.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Americans Down on America

Read Article Here on

The fact that 39% of Americans don't feel positive about America is alarming.  This is the lowest number in this group since the Carter administration. 

The question I have is why did enough people vote for Barack Obama if they have such little hope for America since he has been the president?

Do Gun Control Laws Control Guns?

Read Column Here

"The gun control controversy is only the latest of many issues to be debated almost solely in terms of fixed preconceptions, with little or no examination of hard facts." Thomas Sowell, PhD

Like so many issues our government takes on, they do so out of emotion, and not out of rational consideration of facts.  Other topics include taxation, health care, pollution and global warming, and many more.  Too many people in today's political climate act based on an emotional response to an incident instead of using facts and experience to decide course of action.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Obama Jobs Council hits 1 year without official meeting

Obama Jobs Council hits 1 year without official meeting

Can you really call it a jobs council if there are no council meetings?

What does this lack of meetings say about President Obama's commitment to creating jobs?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Paul to Take on Obama Over Gun Control

Read Article Here

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) believes, and so do I, that President Obama does not have the authority to take the actions he described in his press briefing on Wednesday January 16, 2013.

Specifically mentioned by Paul is a conflict between the 14th item in the list of actions Obama is planning to take, and the Obamacare legislation. 

From the PPACA:
(c) PROTECTION OF SECOND AMENDMENT GUN RIGHTS.— (1) WELLNESS AND PREVENTION PROGRAMS.— A wellness and health promotion activity implemented under subsection (a)(1)(D) may not require the disclosure or collection of any information relating to—(A) the presence or storage of a lawfully- possessed firearm or ammunition in the residence or on the property of an individual; or (B) the lawful use, possession, or storage of a firearm or ammunition by an individual.

From Executive action item #14:
Protect the rights of health care providers to talk to their patients about gun safety: Doctors and other health care providers also need to be able to ask about firearms in their patients’ homes and safe storage of those firearms, especially if their patients show signs of certain mental illnesses or if they have a young child or mentally ill family member at home.
Some have incorrectly claimed that language in the Affordable Care Act prohibits doctors from asking their patients about guns and gun safety. Medical groups also continue to fight against state laws attempting to ban doctors from asking these questions.
The Administration will issue guidance clarifying that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit or otherwise regulate communication between doctors and patients, including about firearms.

Note the obvious conflict between the law and the action regarding whether doctors may ask patients about guns in the home.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

NAPOLITANO: The right to shoot tyrants, not deer - Washington Times

NAPOLITANO: The right to shoot tyrants, not deer - Washington Times

Well said Judge!

Are Guns the Problem?

Are Guns the Problem? (Read article here)

I have been saying to many of my friends and family that the problem today is lack of shame and personal responsibility.  Walter Williams expands on that thought by saying our traditions, values and  morals are not being adhered to and handed down from one generation the the next.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Bloomberg Slaps Down Criticism of Painkiller Restriction Plan

Bloomberg Slaps Down Criticism of Painkiller Restriction Plan

Didn't Obamacare supporters claim Obamacare would stop the practice of uninsured people going to emergency rooms for routine care?

Why do politicians in city hall think they can alter doctor prescription practices?

So the answer to robbery is to not allow people to possess items robbers may want to take at gunpoint?

Friday, January 11, 2013

Big Government v Free Market Dilemma

Many of the left side of the political spectrum think that bigger government is not only preferred, but required, in order to keep this country moving.  Some have more sinister agendas that secretly call for downgrading American exceptionalism in favor of global equality with other lesser economies in other countries. 

What they fail to account for is that the free market economy which built this nation into the most powerful, wealthiest, prosperous nation in history cannot be centrally planned or executed.

Free market economy means people all over the nation, and around the globe for that matter, making decisions about what they want or need, and what they are willing to give up in order to get those things.  Billions or people making thousands of decisions daily about how and where to spend money, time and effort.

Private or public school?  Buy new or used car, or repair existing car?  Remodel the house, or move to new house?  Drive or take a bus, train or plane?  Grocery store or dine out?  Dinner and movie or DVD and microwave popcorn?  Hire employee or save money until regulations are settled?  Stay and pay, or move and pay less, in taxes I mean?

In recent times our President Obama has excused his inability to properly plan for the economy due to the following events or circumstances: tsunami, ATMs, kiosks in airports, hurricanes, two wars, past administrations, obstructionist politicians, European economic issues, and more.  If he cannot control for these events, inventions, and circumstances, how can a central planner possibly account for billions of free wills making self interested decisions?

The answer is, of course, you cannot.  The self interest of all parties involved in the marketplace is a powerful force which can be regulated, but not planned for and controlled. 

The federal government tries to regulate this economic activity, but that regulatory goal has been bastardized into controlling.  Agencies like the EPA, FCC and others have sought to control activity through regulation, which has the effect of law.  Navigating this regulatory maze is now the business of many lawyers and consultants, and an extremely high cost to employers primarily, and also to consumers.

If government would reduce regulations to a lesser, manageable degree, and let economic activity take place with less interference, the economy would begin growing at levels we have not seen in almost a decade.  As economic activity increases, the revenue from taxation also increases, without a need to raise tax rates.

Get out of the way and let it work.  We will all reap the benefits.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2nd Amendment

As ratified:  A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Note it does not say for the purpose of hunting deer, but for the purpose of securing a free state.

Planned Parenthood's New Annual Report: We Did 333,964 Abortions; 1 Every 94 Seconds | CNS News

Planned Parenthood's New Annual Report: We Did 333,964 Abortions; 1 Every 94 Seconds | CNS News

They call themselves Planned Parenthood, and their tools of trade is a procedure which prevents parenthood. 


Dishonest Educators

The Role of 'Educators'

Two of my favorite columnists wrote today about educators.  The public schools of this era are failing our students and our society.  These two men write about exactly how they are failing us.

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Giant Gaping Hole in Sandy Hook Reporting

The Giant Gaping Hole in Sandy Hook Reporting

Politicians are now making news for their efforts to control guns.  Many of them fail to see the problem, and are trying to solve the problem violating the US Constitution.

This article details many examples of killers using guns, but also using, or not using, medications for psychiatric problems.  The media is not reporting on this in the Newtown shootings.