Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Still Waiting for the Evidence

In my August 25, Wait for the Evidence post, I wrote about how so many people are jumping to conclusions without hearing all the evidence.  A couple of weeks ago the grand jury refused to indict Officer Wilson in the death of Michael Brown.  The crowds in Ferguson, Mo. and elsewhere protested, and many rioted.   While doing so they gestured with hands up in surrender, while shouting "Hands up, don't shoot".  All the while many were burning businesses, cars, trash and more.  They were destroying what many citizens of Ferguson had spent time, sweat and money to build up.

So even when the evidence is known, the same people who prejudged the events of the day promoted a lie.  That lie was that Michael Brown was shot while his hands were up and he was surrendering to Officer Wilson.

Several witnesses, three autopsies, and physical evidence collected and examined by police and FBI, all demonstrate beyond any doubt that Brown was resisting, and attacking Wilson, which forced Wilson to fire his weapon until the threat was no more.

I truly bothers me that people continue to lie, violently so, and many in the media, politics and all walks of life, refuse to call a lie, a lie.