Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thomas Sowell Agrees

An Overdue Book, by Thomas Sowell, PhD. Economics

In this column Thomas Sowell argues that Stephen Moore's work is correct based on historical fact and evidence.  So why do so many people claim raising taxes will have a positive effect on the deficit?  Could it be that they have ulterior motives to punish rich people?  If so, why would they choose that path?  Is that someone you would want to vote for?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Why Lower Tax Rates are Good for Everyone

Why Lower Tax Rates are Good for Everyone

Finally, someone is writing about something that should be common knowledge.  Lower tax rates result in higher tax revenue to the government due to the creation of more taxable wealth by more people.  It has been proven time and time again over the last 100 years. 

So why do democrats keep seeking higher rates?  They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Losing your freedom to democrats

Leahy Senate Bill provides for Federal e-mail, Facebook and Twitter access without search warrant

This law would give access to your online activity and data to 22 federal agencies, and no search warrant will be needed.  This is exactly what conservatives and libertarians are talking about when they say we are losing liberty. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Killing the Goose?

Have unions outlived their own usefulness?  Back when unions were fighting for fair labor practices you could argue they served great purpose.  Since most labor laws have been in place there really is little use for labor unions any longer.  Thomas Sowell argues they killed their own goose that laid golden eggs, by pricing themselves out of business, driving workers into vote down unionizing efforts. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

George Will: Answerable to no one

George Will: Answerable to no one

And some people wonder why conservatvies and Tea Party members think the answers do not lie ingovernment beauracracy.  The Dod-Frank law creates a monster of a government beauracracy, and gives that organization unchecked powers.  This column by George Will describes exactly what this entails.  This is the kind of government authority that cuts into your personal freedom and liberty.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

President Obama's Top 10 Constitutional Violations

The president takes an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, and President Obama has repeatedly violated that oath.  Despite these violations, he was re-elected, although by a smaller margin than his election in 2008.   One thing that makes America the greatest nation in history is the rule of law.  Rule of law is now meaningless as our elected leader freely and willingly ignores the document which is the basis of our existence.

Shame on you Obama voters, for not paying attention to your elected officials.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Cost of College, Who's to Blame and How to Lower it

Nearly all politicians and many pundits have been repeatedly telling Americans that a college education is necessary for nearly all people, and should be affordable.  Some even claim it should be a right and free to the student.  I've linked a couple of articles here to provide information about why tuition is so high, and what could be done about it.

Student debt: What's been driving college costs so high, anyway?

Colleges are not responsible to the student for the cost of tuition.  They are far more interested in sports arenas and stadiums, faculty salaries, and how much money in donations from alumni and local business community.  The demands of raising the university's status and rankings that will lead to higher enrollments and higher income is the goal.  Education for the dollar is less important, though often spoken.

Students and their families are forced to borrow more and more to achieve the stated goal since costs are soaring.  The costs are soaring due to higher demands by all parties involved.  Faculty and staff want higher salaries and benefits.  Alumni want bigger stadiums.  Students want better dorms and facilities.  Administrators want more money in the endowment funds.  Costs go up and students pay. 

And is the quality of the education incrementally better?  Hardly.  There are many studies that conclude students entering college are less prepared, and therefore programs need to be adjusted down in order to meet the ability of the students.

Equity Model for Affording College

Currently there is the cash model, in which the student pays for college as they go.  There is the debt model which leads to higher loans and debt to be repaid after graduation, job or not.  Now there is the equity model.

In the equity model a college or university would claim a percent of the graduates' salaries for a fixed number of years into their careers.  An example would be to pay the university 5% of your annual salary for 15 years.  The formula could change or even be negotiable based on the specific university, student and intended career path.

Under this method the university has a vested interest in both keeping costs lower, and better preparing students for their careers.

Friday, November 9, 2012

PICKET: Companies plan massive layoffs as Obamacare becomes reality - Washington Times

PICKET: Companies plan massive layoffs as Obamacare becomes reality - Washington Times

Then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi made the famous statement "You'll have to pass the law to find out what's in it".  Well, some companies are now finding out what is in it, and reacting accordingly.  As many opined, this health care legislation would result in jobs lost, higher taxes, and a slower economy.  Boom!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Open Letter to President Obama

Mr. President,

Congratulations on your re-election.  But before you get comfortable with another term, hear me out.

I believe your fundamental changing of America is not a good thing for us.  I believe you are a socialist under the covers, and your policies will do more harm than good.

I believe that capitalism is a good thing, and the profit motive is what made this country great.  Some call it greed, but the profit motive drives people to invent, innovate and succeed, even after failures.  I do not think you believe that is a good thing, and you want to change it. 

I believe that high tax rates do not result in greater tax revenue.  In fact, it has been proven otherwise during the Hoover, FDR, JFK, Reagan, Clinton and GWB administrations.  Raising taxes has the unintended consequence of forcing people and businesses to alter there investment behaviors, moving investment money to tax free shelters which do not promote profit and growth, or to other countries with more friendly tax structures.  This is the opposite of your policies which are more Keynesian.

I believe in peace through strength, and America being the greatest nation on Earth.  I do not think you believe the same, and I think you believe in peace through appeasement.  Libya should be proof of your error. 

I do not believe in redistribution of wealth.  I do believe in wealth creation.  See 'capitalism' above.  Capitalism has raised countless more people from poverty than charity has.  And as Margaret Thatcher so famously said, ' The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people's money".  We should, as the Bible states, teach men to fish, and let him eat for a lifetime.

I do believe in protecting the environment, but I do not believe in global warming theories put forth by the likes of Al Gore and you.  I think we can have a clean environment and burn fossil fuels, until we can find the next source of energy that provide more optimal utilization of our resources.  Spending borrowed money to invest in your idea of worthy causes is not why you were elected.  That is the role of private enterprise.  

I believe our debt is crippling our country, and I believe you are greatly responsible for much of it.  We must cut borrowing and spending, and allow the deficit to reduce itself as we do so, along with the anticipated rise in revenues from lower taxes and less regulation leading to more wealth production in the private sector.

I do not believe that since you are the president that people must give up their personal and political beliefs.  Do not tell members of the congress that you reach across the aisle when in fact you have not.  You failed to listen to opposing points of view on health care, and your suggested transparency of governing is akin to the Wizard of Oz's.

I believe that market principles must be allowed to work their wealth creating magic in the health care field.  Socialized medicine is where you are taking us, and it will destroy the high quality of medical innovations and shorten our life expectancy, by removing the doctors and hospitals from the decision making process.  Bureaucrats making health choice decisions is a very bad idea, and can lead to horrifying results.

I believe that you and  members of your administration are not performing with high integrity, are lying or covering up scandals, and are people who do not appreciate the US Constitution as a document which should be protected and defended, as your collective oath states.  Laws are to equally applied to all, including health care and immigration.  Certain groups of people should not be exempted from parts of the law your do not agree with.  Providing illegal aliens with benefits established for citizens is one example.  Another is the waving of pieces of the new health care legislation for some businesses.

I also believe that the mandates for providing birth control, abortions and abortofacients by people who have religious objections is unconstitutional and you directly violate that document which you swore to uphold.

I will, from time to time, state my opinion on such matters in the future, in the hopes of changing minds and votes.  I will use my freedom of speech to make sure my vision of America is realized, because I believe my vision is right.

Richard J Scheper
Newport, KY, USA

Friday, November 2, 2012

Voter fraud is no myth -- it's more common than you think - Conservative News

Voter fraud is no myth -- it's more common than you think - Conservative News

Requiring voter ID is not racist or suppressing voters.  It is common sense.  For a country with all the technical means we have available for the common citizen, we should be able to develop a single voting system used nationwide that leads to one person one vote.